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Why is my skateboard video?

Skateboarding Pro Shop is a famous skateboard champion of rich movies all over the world. These videos are the best way to pass knowledge about sports skills and tricks. In many cases, in the form of a series, sometimes a collaboration between two or more skateboard masters, skateboard video skillfully skated by new skateboard enthusiasts

As a compilation and team up between artists of respected skateboards, skateboard video can not be drawn out after reading a usual how-to book The former has a movement like they are being played over and over again Because you can easily grasp by showing tricks, skateboard video people who are interested in skateboarding can simply learn tricks, from the basics to daredevil movements, just watching the video .

Through the convenience of skateboarding video, you can break basic and advanced tricks and easily analyze into substeps and sub technologies. Indeed, skateboard video is essential for your dream to become an ace skateboarder.

At the same time not only the videos of many professional skaters in Japan and abroad but also MSc and experts. Anyone who has the ability to move to a special skateboard is a personal skateboard video with a skill like the world of share. If you have a very unique skateboard video, skateboard enthusiasts will have the chance to recognize that you will be higher. Quality We are limiting to many professional skaters in Japan and abroad, and in addition to stone, we will begin the world skateboard as it rises.

If you want other people or big companies sponsoring skateboarding as sports to realize your talent as a slasher, if you have the decision to make a video of a skateboard on your own and the right device in particular , You can easily make it. Always keep in mind the video is absolutely problematic in words and phrases in English. You can run a skateboard stardom to a ticket to make it a picture attached to this product!

In order to create a very unique skateboard video, you need to operate the video camera and ask for help from a friend to do shooting. Doing your stuff is obviously impossible to process video cameras. As he knows all the important moves and angles necessary to be included in the video, fellow slashers, if possible, are great as photographers

Until now you have to think about cameramen, places are a lot of professional skaters in and outside of the country. Good skateboarding videos are filmed in various places. Various settings for different scenes of the video playing your skateboard from the sidewalk to the skateboard ramp will certainly hook the audience with it

Do not forget all of the above, it's a rowy video. A possibility sponsor, a regular viewer wants to skateboard a video with a relaxing and unique funny stunts deck skateboard. Therefore, the video starts skateboard in the showcase.

It becomes a concise thing to the commitment's skateboard video. Please summarize so that only the largest part is displayed. Unless you are trying to be the world's most bold skateboard clown, be sure to check the scene where you first fell to the ground, or even your ankle Please confirm the picture is still cool, dazzling skating I was interested in viewers moving to the board.

4 Skateboard trick - and hints - add to your repertoire

Feel that you are bored with regular turns, jumps, and tricks belonging to the beginner level and are ready to put your skills in the tests:

Skateboard trick # 1 - drop of bomb
This is a popular skateboard trick that will generally be carried out by skateboarders as they find ways to professional competitions. Basically, bomb drops replace ollie when working on drops or stairs flight. In bomb drops, you are going to jump first on the board of your hand instead and get it on your feet when you are in the air.

Clearly, practicing a lot of professional skater flexibility inside and outside such safe is high without starting. Second, please wear necessary protective equipment. You are usually only given a moment to get your board on your feet from your hand.

Skateboard trick # 2 - no bone one

This has already been done for a long time, and there are already many variations already. There is a possibility that you will drive a car just like you are going off the skateboard of this trick development project including this skateboard. Then you jump on one foot with just finishing by returning the skateboard back to its original position (under your feet) to make a perfect landing.

It sounds complicated, but this skateboard trick is not difficult to achieve as long as you are willing to practice it frequently. Easiness to do this skateboard trick is actually contributing to the fascination of fading to skateboarders, in particular to those belonging to the younger generation, in spite of that, despite this being under your belt Having such an old skateboard trick may need to include it in your exhibition

Skateboard trick # 3 coffin
The term used for this trick sounds a bit scary, but it definitely makes you master while you are practicing at the beginner level

Nonetheless, I will start skateboarding at high speed. Second, put your body at the front area of ​​the skateboard. Third, take your seat in the middle of your skateboard by bending your knees and taking hold of the sides of your skateboard. Of course, please use both hands. Finally, lie down on your skateboard as if you were on a coffin. Look! Skateboard trick achievement!

Skateboard trick # 4 - Firecracker
Illuminate the city with this funny skateboard trick! Just as you set up and perform this particular trick like preparing fireworks, but you need careful planning and accuracy. This fire broken skateboard trick accompanies the flight of stairs, you go downhill again. Punctuate the skateboard intentionally with the rake increasing speed, each step. This slap, of course, is equivalent to a crackling sound of a firecracker. It will not work effectively unless it can not guarantee that the sound is similar to the continuous burst of fire from firecrackers though. Therefore, consistency and homeostability are important elements to make this trick correct.

Of course, learning from more skateboard tricks so far will start with these four. Learn them before the skateboard to the next level!

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