Even if you hide the treasure of your life under your pillow and mattress
Protect them from thieves. But this does not mean
Your bank's safety box is the only place for them.
In fact, the traditional approach to maintaining your valuable items
If they are hidden, the house is a wonderful idea
A truly secret place.
Ten or fewer ideas of where to find a secret compartment
It is maximum security. For the first five, they do
It needs some construction at home, it is excellent for people
A person who owns his own house. The second idea is
It is effectively used by residents and lessees of the apartment.
1. Wall
- Since the walls are hollow, there can be hidden spaces behind
Every wall in every room.
- The ideal point lies behind solid items, fixed items, like a shelf in the court,
Or a plate along the wall of a cupboard that supports clothes hanging on a stick.
- Remove the accessories and leave the compartment empty.
- I will try camouflage exactly.
2. Hurt little by little.
- Ceiling and wall beams are popular architectural features
- Check one of the fake beams (one that does not offer much)
Support) Moveable, and start up from the top or back
3. Baseboard
- One of the easiest compartments is the one behind the scenes
Baseboard These paper woods are in the UK - London wall next
On the floor, what thief is very common, will not give them a second
- Choose a short section of the board and carefully pry it away
From the wall with the clover.
- Cut the hole now and replace the baseboard.
4. Panel
- Wall panels provide a way to open large areas of the dead
- Your best choice is behind the actual board nailed to the wall
Each, not behind a four-by-eight seat.
5. Mirror
- For a compartment offering a little depth, but a large area of
Space can be built behind the hollow back to full length
Mirror of your cabinet door.
- Hollow room, Mirror of mirror
Slide tab.
6. Furniture
- Complex secret space built into the furniture
The century has been favorite.
- A simple approach is to get rid of the table and desk molding,
And make a hollow.
7. Bookshelf
- The common source of easily overlooked space is foundation
Of the bookshelf. The bottom shelf will rise above normal
Ground level several inches, this space is surrounded by
Base - casting.
- Just a waste of the lowest shelf removable, attached
Valuables to the underside of this shelf by a magnet.
8. Optical switch
- A simple and deceptive secret space can be built
Behind the plate or switch version of the electric outlet.
- Make sure electricity stops when removing the plate
Build your hollow.
9. Houseplants
- Secret compartment can be built on your base
Plant pot: This is particularly effective if you have plenty
- If you can, seal your valuables well with plastic
Water damage.
10. Buried treasure
- Finally, do not overlook the oldest hiding technique in history,
To fill your valuables in the basement.
- To get accurate map treasure
It was buried.
Because of the best assurance of hiding your valuables at your own home,
Who is perfect in making things. I will not reveal you
A hiding place to anyone from your family.
Short memory course!
How to memorize names
You are called just a TV repair shop or other voice over
At the end of the line, it says "This is Don - Smith". About 5 minutes
Later you tell your wife that "this guy" will be out to fix
Morning TV. You can not think of his name
He knows mentioning it on the phone.
At this time except in most cases,
I concentrated on names in our memory and learned to transplant
At the time of hearing it. To do this, you need to make a habit
Go back to people and repeat the name. This action,
Notify each time to save the name in "Memory Bank"
You listen to someone's name and in a short time's matter
The "repeat" process can be interrupted.
When you meet someone else, use the same procedure,
The addition of visualizes something unusual, another from
Ordinary, or its appearance, position, or
Behavior that "binds" with their name. You need to put it.
Explanation information on one side of the card or paper
Until it is embedded, the opposite name
To your memory forever. Please see it repeatedly and see
"Picture" in the eyes of your heart When you see the name, or when
I assign "image" to visualize the name as you see
It's name.
Certain changes are required to operate this system.
Thoughts and it may take days or weeks to become
After all well, you developed a "bad habit"
It is difficult to turn around it for many years
It's one night.
This method also uses something else, work memory, no work
Name only When you have the opportunity to remember something,
It will be incorporated into your list. It is not complicated
Formula. A system that only works with a little
What you remember how!
As mentioned above, people can train their own memory
Associating a specific instance with a name. This just works
I have similarly written information.
Each paragraph has multiple keywords or key thoughts
Printable that can be logically associated
Ridiculous illustration. It is much easier to remember
Recall at recall party normally,
Relaxing relationship.
Advance to select text or multiple keywords
Or key thinking from each subject
An outrageous manga and illustrations. Actually "seeing" it in you
It is the eyes of the mind as related to key words or key thinking.
When you have the opportunity to remember a specific problem
"Picture" will automatically be displayed with you and the whole
Things to be thought should be recalled. See ridicule
Pictures associated with the printed material you want to recall.
As you advance books, practice by watching a picture
Associate it with the key idea or key idea written
material. This learning method should improve your ability
Hold what you read. Using this "sufficient practice"
The method will allow many individuals to develop "photo type"
The key to this memory system is to "see" "pictures" inside you
"Eyes of the heart". After you practice and master the system
And will be able to respond to the instant rushback recall can be acquired
Read most text materials and visualize ridiculous pictures
To associate with thinking represented by printing
We recommend you. This system. As you read
Image related to the first few pages of information, "reference"
Language and thought. It may be quite difficult to "see" with
First, but with constant effort and focused amazing progress
You can make it. When you see a picture, just go up
Read the following topics and repeat the process.
Do not worry that you forget the previous subject!
They are engraved on your heart and should be remembered later,
Instantly and clearly.
Multiple pages to read later, the first number
"Heart - Photo". If you "saw" the picture in relation originally
It is necessary to remember the important idea of printed matter
Basic information.
Try it! It's interesting! After you master this
Various programs of files in the learning system
Search for success.
Tips for talking with memory in public!
Previous page
Learn voice by linking a series of thoughts to the series
Review by "
Proper preparation of your speech is half of battle. know
Subjects thoroughly then make a summary for introduction,
Conclusion with body. Start your speech with something
Be amazed at your audience with perfect attention as strange
Statements and interesting events.
Gain confidence in presenting the body of your speech
Objects to be informed by the audience are also
You get your point without arguments.
Simple as it is possible to conclude to the total
Just ended in the big bang, then I mentioned.
Spectators should take it or they suggest changing their perspective
Subject etc. ; Final decision on a fit joke
A situation they will remember, or a picture of a powerful word
After they left the meeting.
Space with a lot of impact with big prints in overview
Do not lose sight of what you can do
On the seat. The most important thing depends on your memory
A point that includes a start point and an end point line.
Practice your speech with a tape recorder in front of you
Mirror before the meeting. Arbitrarily obviously speak well
Problems and things just not heard. What do you know
I am doing it in your hand and trying to decide a better body
Movement with your personality. Continually make your eyes
Please cross the room and contact me back and forth.
Take the time to think before answering the question. If you are not there
Have an answer, ask another question and see it to someone else
To answer, to answer in common words, or to change, a better qualification
Praise a person (like a politician) the subject
By asking "impossible" or by saying "pretty" joke.
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