I am the smartest marketing that I know about the best way to raise customers and cash flows for just about every business
What I got was a variety of fresh and innovative ideas - and when you read them they are already glueing people who have made it bigger in their business
Next is the "15 best" idea for super satisfying your business what business you are in.
1. "Same old" is in attracting attention with something new. To acquire new business, we need to make innovative and dramatic efforts. For example,
If it could not save any person's money on their car insurance, the insurance agency provided "the biggest steak dinner in town". The challenge was enough to make the phone start ringing off the hook for the day at the same time.
Customer flow was "absolutely crazy" days. Bottom line: Lots of new insurance buyers and tons of new cash flow - and all they had to do for half-dozen steak dinner
2. Close target marketing. The big job of marketing and sales is getting to the right people among different companies. Sending mail to "facility administrator" or printing "routing slip" outside the envelope has no effect. Hitting the target is a challenge. Scoring the bull's eye means contact with the right individual, and it is the only way to make it
Business communication is essential when targeting time as sale.
3. Be more creative. It is not working to push the direct flights from the door or send a newsletter to the postal room. Please ask yourself: Before throwing it in "Everyone is intrigued enough to read the mailer -
Trash box? "Ask the same question about your company newsletter.The very creative approach is different, it is necessary to be distinctive.Creativity
it will cost money. However, as more people read the advertisement, decide that it takes time with newsletters or that the postal user's offering makes sense, achieving the goal
4. We focus on what customers care about. After listening to the admission director's story, about whether it should be shown in the new recruitment of the school
Video, marketing consultants, "Do you know that you are interested in parents or students here?" All of a sudden, everyone got less
Someone confident that someone asked what kind of questions the visiting parents and children asked the student tour guide? Creating ads, brochures, or sales suggestions, customers expect and expect that what they want is what they want.
5. I will tell customers how to think about your company. We reach a conclusion by comparing. The rating of a life insurance company that does not inform customers or prospects why it is in their best interest to buy your product or to do business with you will affect customers. To automobiles and PC manufacturers J. Powers' customer satisfaction survey affects purchasing behavior. Wise enterprises consciously spend time and effort to influence the way they are perceived
Customers, prospects, bankers and shareholders.
6. Make your offer prominent. The customer is cautious. They do not like being placed in the place; they do not want to make a mistake. For this reason, provision is necessary. "Try it for 30 days ... free" We will not deposit credit card slips on the moon. "Your satisfaction is guaranteed." Take the car for the weekend, it drives everything you want. "The goal is to overcome customers' unwillingness.
7. You are in the right place at the right time. "Why do you think so, last week, I will renew ..." Some salespersons simply scoop such comments. Well I can not stay in the right place every time. "What is in front of the customer is today's assignment: developing a consistent program to stay regularly in front of customers is a challenge: seminars, newsletters, reports, fact sheets, The combination of special events and informative articles keeps with the customer's mind.
Ponder these tips for a week and next week I will give you the remaining 8. Your visit
8. Name your product or service. It is a distinctive name for your products and services from the differentiation from the demonstration by. At the time of off-hours we call on the construction contractor himself "stealth" remodeler with remodeling expertise. Fuel petroleum dealers do not mention services - he emphasizes "ComfortCare service." The idea is to inspire ordinary
That's the idea of a new meaning to separate your com-pany from your competitors. But please make sure that the name appeals to you as well as to your customers.
9. Please be persistent. Persistence is the power of marketing and sales. Too many companies fail because they do not last long enough to produce adequate results with their efforts. The momentum of marketing
Consistent efforts. If you start a newsletter, put it out on schedule. Get acquainted with the acquaintance - and comfortable - to take time to understand what customers are doing and for prospects.
10. Get rid of selfish nonsense. Most company publications, advertisements, letters, brochures, and other selling materials do nothing more than ringing the company's corner filled with words, pictures and information Nobody says it is "best", " The oldest "or" I do not care what I say the biggest. "The photos of the staff are interesting to the staff. I would like to hear the story of a better approach or grasp the view
Company We doubt that everyone will be interested in seeing the CEO, the chairman of the board and executive vice president.
11 Speak all the things you know Speak beans as it were. Since then, there are shares that customers can do for information, knowledge and ideas. This is the only way
Be a valued resource to your customers. If people use your idea, buy what you sell.
12 It is generous. Nobody wants to do business with a company operating on a one way street. Buy a new car and dealer's hand 20 cents plastic key holder! A message from Mr. Stand stands under this dealer
Customer. It is a key ring that you can not forget even in the forgotten car! Another car dealer will offer a new car to your office. What a difference. This dealer sends a strong message - our customers
It is important.
13 Perspective Identify your mission. The single most important everyday activity of any business is proof of prospects. By exploring the ongoing process, companies generate steady streams of new sales leads. Do you think you can not help it? "In addition to that, we have cultivated it to be able to base on the outlook.
14 Examining your corporate image. Yes, it makes a difference as to how the company shows itself. Is the logo appropriate? Is it a date? Does it convey the correct message and the correct image? Is there a president
Only those who understand it? What about company colors? Are they reminiscent of the late 1950's? Letterhead, mailing labels and business cards carry strong and positive messages? Or if they are dull
Do you look normal? If you do not think that this is important, your competitors will be touched. We only face aspects of corporate identity.
15 Write customer-centered letters. Business letter "for each conversation ..." "Based on our agreement ..." When you were the last time everyone listened to this story in this way
Lunch (maybe lawyer)? However, given the pen to the same executive, they become high-rised. There is no reason why business letters should not be warm, friendly, conversational, interesting - and customer-centric. Please write as you are reading it. Should the letter end at the bottom of the first page? Yes, is that what you need to tell the story? However, it may take two, four, six pages. The letter should be as long as necessary and always be interesting to the reader.
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