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47 years old Can more than this! Fresh is the way to go!

To buy canned food is nutritional deficiency and normally it is packed with salt and preservatives in today's food market. The process of freshness leads to fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen foods and canned foods. At the end of the list, these canned items are slowly past things.

Once the canned food goes through the cooking process, this heating process will destroy about a third of vitamins A and C, half of riboflavin and thiamine. And, as they are stored, you lose an additional 5% - 20% and sit on the shelf. However, only the remaining vitamin decreases its value.

Many agricultural products start to lose some nutrients when selected for harvest. If it is properly processed and quickly canned, it may be more than nutritional value as fresh fruits and vegetables. This fresh agricultural product will lose more than half of its first two weeks and its vitamins: but if refrigerated or not preserved, fresh vegetables and fruits average consumers will be the only type of food Compared with eating a variety of food types everyday is recommended.

The thing to remember is that everything depends on the time between harvesting, canning and liberation processes. In general, vegetables are picked up quickly and taken to being canned or frozen when nutrient contacts are at peak. How foods are canned also affects nutritional value. For longer than necessary and vegetables boiling with plenty of water lose much of the nutritional value compared to those who lightly vaporized.

When we choose fresh vegetables and fruits on the farm they are always more nutritious than canned and frozen - this is a fact. If you can not buy fresh, at least frozen purchase.

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