This is then the year of the year we start getting those e-mails that we all want to pulloin our private secret code and password. You know something like Subject: "Your account is about to be closed," "There is a block in your account"
This is because we are shopping gifts for families or customers, our bank or credit card the last thing we need is precisely what these "cyber grifters" expect Unfortunately some of us are tempted to obey the instructions sent for the investigation
First of all, it does not follow the instructions of e-mail! If you think you may have a problem, you usually need to make the link that comes with the fake email instead of on your PC, the problem account
I had a very authentic email from the bank that I thought was going to be done so far in order to copy the color of the bank logo and stationery style. But do not fall for fraud. Actually, I do not know, open up your email very much, you can set up as many as you can, your computer opens by a relaxed virus program. Just obstructing suspicious e-mails "Banks, credit card companies based on the supply of e-mail addresses.
Approximately 100 thousand people declined prey premium last year, cost companies and individuals became billion dollars. A hint for this:
1. Responsibility of individual with fraud, debit card with credit card Depending on credit card, we will report how early and initialize the loss card. If you fail to report fraudulent use within 60 days of receiving your bank statement you may lose all the money in your account,
2. Review check Check the writing is a bit slippery and the paper is too much information. You can use it by checking written on some expert advice, complete the address, account number, signature and license number. Furthermore, there is no federal law to limit your liability for counterfeit checks (each state has its own set of rules). Experts advise you to look at automating payment for your bills.
3. Guarantee your mail: Your post is goldmine of information. During a bank statement, invoice, and all those pre-approved credit card offerings, your mailbox will be carefully checked in the credit report, unless personal information thieves are easy I could not do it and I began to know it. One way to avoid this is to have your mailbox under the lock and key, but most of us in Santa Clarita, our house other solutions will have a rented post or By purchasing a shredder "dumpster diving" the thief to fail, destroy the document before destroying.
4. Virtual go: There is a "virtual" card number for online shopping. These are arbitrarily disposable online shoppers used once and throw it it generates credit card numbers. You will be charged a purchase indication with this direct true credit card. The service is easy to use - and it's free! All you need to do is register with a company that provides virtual cards, they are MBNA, Discovery, and Citigroup.
5. Create an emergency id kit. : Create an emergency kit that contains the account number, expiration date, issuing company name, and emergency contact number of each card you own. While you are in it, create a copy of your driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, passport, locked box or file cabinet This protects in case of a catastrophe, such as a fire, an earthquake So I like the best safety box
This may seem like a lot of all unnecessary work, but if you ever been a victim of identity theft - even once - you know it
Many of us do not carry around in a wallet or wallet but if we can not talk because of an injury or if a person who knows us does not accompany how much less stress, Regardless of the box of the bank, it is better to be safe than to regret knowing that there are items that you can check your identity, where you are!
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