The completeness of mail order catalog seems to be infinite. ..You Can
There are cases where it is necessary to continue approaching. in the case of
However, many catalogs do not need to achieve perfection
To make a catalog - or very close to it
It is much more beneficial than it is now. Relatively small
There may be more proportional expansion
On the bottom line of finance it's all important figures
Doing as much improvement as possible as soon as possible
Probably the most profitable procedure. But each new
A little better catalog than the one before it could be done
Sales per catalog will increase greatly.
Selling over a period of time.
60 proposals that should help your catalog
Please try sales registration from more. And these
Ideas whether to use all of them in connection with your next
Adopt some at a time in the process of cataloging and production
When multiple extreme catalogs of the future are made extremely high, what will be displayed as follows
Very satisfied and outstanding.
Before creating the catalog. ...
1. Look at your current catalog which is very cold and serious
Cold eyes. Large or Small - choose all the obstacles
If it appears, catalog of the owner quietly quietly
Rustic customer disappointed by him or her
The last purchase from you is still hurting about it. Such review
It can be very enlightening - even if it needs a little proving
Embarrassing - is a new catalog.
It is beneficial
2. Put your "letterman" in your team. Confirm all incoming calls
Correspondence from customers and prospects during the last two
Year for comments, suggestions or critiques that may be useful
Preparing your new catalog. All future correspondence screen
As it arrives and places a copy of handy, this kind of nature
Characters in special files to consider before you start
Next catalog.
3. hole
Achieve something they want to achieve or create an effect
They want to create - and prepare your layout, copy and
Depending on the illustration.
4. Do you sell products of each main type, many
Groups with different lines of sight or
Customers need to purchase or purchase this product. Organize groups
The importance of their order prospects or customers. Each
The group arranges reasons for purchasing for them
Importance. Next, order the reasons in order of importance
To your gross group of prospects or customers. Most Used
Important reasons as a basis for copying and illustration
We will use it in this catalog.
If there are major differences between the main reasons
Purchase of different types of products, for presentation
Each specific type of product conforms to products using the same
Presentation form Different kinds of products. .
5. Due to the above reasons, different appeals
Required, changed for different prospects or different groups of customers
Wrap around, letter or your catalog entry page
Appeal to another group and separate your mailing
According to it.
6. Plan the catalog completely before you start preparing
Layout and copy. Please use all 60 suggestions on this list
Guide for your plan ..
7. By registering the pulling cache by using the approach
In time.
8. Plan to attract new customers - Revitalize dormant customers - and
As it grows bigger and new orders from current customers
And touching and extra fun possession or kind of use
Of the products offered in your catalog. For example, function
Dramatic new items, rare items, especially certain items
Timely, etc. .. Including unusual facts of particular interest
9. Director in the catalog to additional benefits of the plan
If you operate by including useful information on life - using method
Maintain your product. .. unusual use, etc. This is information
What you want to be able to use and maintain for the benefit of customers
Increasing customer information for future reference
The corresponding confidence of your company correspondingly increases
Customer's inclination to buy from you.
10 .. Determining whether items were unprofitable or mostly
Making a profit in the current catalog is more
You must vigorously delete or replace it in the new catalog
By new products, you will never keep unprofitable products
Because it is only one of the catalog, I like you. Otherwise
Sell ββit!
11. Give your company a personality specific to your company. Promote this
As a means of making you, all future catalog personality
Not a company "jut another mail order marketer" is very special
Your prospects and customer's mind marketer.
When creating a new catalog. .
Product that you would like to see using Procedure 12-19:
12. Tie your copy to stimulate the specifics
The reasons for the purchase were explained in the previous section.
13. As much as possible, your products
You can achieve the desired results with outlook
Prove it by quoting degrees and more results than competitive products
Laboratory test, field test, received ward other special
Recognition - especially customer voices and case history
A story, preferably with photos. Give all the prospects
A stimulus that you can buy from you rather than someone else.
14. Please place special emphasis on your products and services
Exclusive or noticeably superior to yours
Competitors - Tell Your Readers Why Your Product and / or
Service is excellent!
15 If you are practical, please take a prospect of "behind the scenes"
What you do (especially exclusive or improved procedures)
Your product well competing products.
16 Make the most of the first new items you offer them;
They are new only once. Take every opportunity to succeed
Saleswise gives them a priority position and is appropriate
Space for you to do the proper education and sales work for them
At the time they were introduced.
17 Guarantee prospects easy to use these products. ..That is
Instructions are included in each order (if true) and / or there are
Available in certain books or magazines (preferably available)
From you). .. regardless of whether or not to prove history in the case of quotation
Customers were in their use.
18 years old How to start prospects Use goods appropriately
What other actions should be taken
Information will be included in the shipment.
19. If your product was purchased mainly for pleasure, or
It is considered luxury or "unnecessary" and helps outlook
Streamline the value of purchase.
Use procedure 20-26 to make it as easy as possible for
Exploration to make the exact choice of type
For goods and most suitable items of each type
the purpose:
20 Group all items of the same type into the same section
21 years old Organize groups of potential or potential items
profitwise The order important to you. the most important
Near the front group of your catalog and least important
At the end of your catalog (not on the last three pages).
22 Within each group, separate items
Descending order of quality, price, popularity or promotion
Give the most valuable position to the most important items,
Extra space for copying and illustrations. Assign position,
Space to other items due to its importance.
23 If possible, use the Sears system which provides the same
Three different quality item types - good, better
Best - to match differences with different price ranges
quality. Usually, it is more effective to talk about the best things
First of all quality and good quality.
24 Please use common copy to show some quality or characteristics
Same for all or most items of the same type.
25 Explain about functions and quality using individual copies
It makes each particular item separate from all or most
Other specific items in the group.
26. To prepare the individual copies above, use "parallel"
Create a point-by-point "to help outlook" construction
Immediately, easily comparing specific items
As precisely as possible.
The outlook is that if you select the items that they want to do
They purchase to order the procedure and make it as easy as possible
27. Please make sure your order information is easy to understand.
28. In order to make it easy to use, enough space
Write the necessary information.
29. It is placed in one or more extra ordered forms to make it easier
Customer to order again. .
3:30 encourage prospects to order with credit, charge or over the phone
c. o. d. More on phone calling to sell
Information they might want.
We offer 24 hour telephone service via arrangement with 31
A local telephone answering machine that can answer your phone
Normally - Open during a certain time of your business. . this
It is particularly useful for customers shopping at your place
Catalog during the night or weekend hours.
It makes it as easy as possible for customers to pay orders
Procedures 32 and 33
Do you provide credit card services for orders of the specified amount
More. By putting the minimum value of the credit card order frequently
Increase the original order to at least its minimum amount.
that's an order
33. You can make it a shipping cost
It is included in cash and order payment.
Starting machine and selling stimulus of use order like 34 to 42
34. Using the wrap around character on the front of the catalog,
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