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Remember now, in Chinese astrology, there are possibilities of our Western culture which have names of several symbols Positive human characteristics associated. The chief between these may be a sign of rats. If you were born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984 or 1996, you are a rat!
According to today's Chinese menu, you are ambitious but honest. It tends to be free. I do not make almost invariable friendship. You are most compatible with dragons and monkeys and are most incompatible with horses.

In the West, we associate rats with sewers, pests and diseases, but this animal looks a bit different in the east. Eastern rats are evaluated for their ability to accumulate and retain their quick wisdom and wealth. Rat is a symbol of luck in the east. It is a stylish and attractive signature of East astrology. It is interesting that it is sharp, but it takes care of things that considered that good friend.

While rats are friendly type, they are also shameless promoters of their own agenda. The charm and persuasiveness of this symbol are often used for their best advantage. Rats are motivated by money and wealth. They are agile and sharp tongues, I love good discussion.

Rats enjoy being somewhere outside to see, to observe and to like to learn. They are observing forever and they always hide brain information for use in future time if necessary. Rats do not like to get bored and they are always looking for challenges to keep sharper wisdom clearer.

Today's horoscope of the rat: You will tend to exaggerate the minimum difficulty. Pay particular attention to poisoning by ingestion. It is very careful and strict to the use of medicine. If your bowel is sensitive, you should not be aware that yourself is not tempted by the vegetarianism epidemic; this diet is too rich in cellulose, so it will suit you better than ever before, Focus your life force on achieving professional ambitions.


Cowardice and attractive Chinese rabbits tend to act like more rabbits, regardless of whether they like! This signboard is very popular and has a wide circle of family and friends. Its thoughtful nature leads to great protection of loved ones, but when romance is of concern, rabbit feelings idealize it Sweet, sensitive rabbits are often more realistic or healthier Will also give the partner a lot of things. The good news is that the core group of rabbit friends and their stable family life helps to center it when this signature breaks its balance.

A rabbit is a somewhat sensitive sign requiring a solid foundation for prosperity. In the vicinity, lacking in supporting friends and families, rabbits may just be broken in the first sign of conflict. The emotional turmoil in life of this signature can even lead to physical illness. Rabbits hate arguments and other conflicts and try to do something to avoid battle. Rabbits can also go through pessimism and appear to be life - to cover the frequently uncertain nature. Rabbits tend to move lessons of life at their own, rather meditative pace; it faces the problem of this sign and seems to conquer them Time to become indifferent and indignant It is a waste of.

- Rabbit is very loving, a protective partner or rabbit entertains at home and always keeps entertaining, always with a partner with the right - giving a sign meaning someone highism does not allow it to use this sensitive - I love to confirm that their house is comfortable and elegant furniture. The rabbit needs the strongest sense of self-worth and its accompanying security. The discerning nature of that eye, some hard claims, will enlarge these delightful creatures.
The most compatible games for rabbits are goats and pigs.

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