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About body temperature a little more

As you learned, your body temperature is actually an internal clock that we are awake and sleeping at a certain time.

It is also very important to understand that rising and falling body temperature is awake or that it is a hint for our body to produce a feeling of being tired

I feel exhausted, lethargic, and drowsier anytime when your body temperature begins to fall. Whenever your temperature goes up, you can feel more vigorous, carefully and focus better.

As a necessity of sleep, do not mistake the body temperature drop at a certain time during the day. Your body temperature may rise and fall several times a day in response to the activities you are doing at that time.

Every time you place a big physical request on your body the temperature of your body will rise above the standard. As soon as you stop working as a reaction to intensive physical activity your temperature will decline for a while.

For example, if you work for an 8 hour work at a work requiring intense activity, you feel that you are ready to go to sleep and get drained completely when you go home around 4 pm You actually find That is, this feeling of fatigue is not a sincere desire to sleep, but a response from the body due to a decrease in body temperature.

If you resist falling asleep at this moment and offer a "wind down" period for your body after this period, body temperature returns to normal, you feel alert again

In a powerful sleeping plan I suggest you to sleep for 10-45 minutes during your day to physically recharge yourself In order to avoid getting into this deep sleep so as to help sleep Always limit your nap to 45 minutes.

After waking up from your power nap, it is normal to feel lethargic or sleepy as this is because your melatonin level is higher. Get as much high-intensity light as you wake up, get your body temperature and make sure to move your body to move again.

If you currently live a very sedentary life, when you sit around watching ass or television, you think the temperature of your body is very often dropped so it seems necessary . To sleep and exercise!

Update of body temperature. .!

I already knew that the internal clock control company's sleep cycle like temperature and mite to the body. Body temperature also controls our metabolism, circulation and other involuntary activities Our bodies take over.

Changes in body temperature also indicate and cause a feeling of awake or tired.

Decreased body temperature causes a feeling of drowsiness, tiredness and drowsiness. Conversely, an increase in body temperature leads to a sense of energetic at a better concentration level, resulting in a sense of arousal.

The rise and fall of body temperature during the day should not be misunderstood as the necessity of rest and sleep. It happens many times during the day, depending on the activity level of the body at a particular time.

When the human body is pushed for heavy physical activity, if activity stops, body temperature will automatically slowly rise and fall. This decrease in body temperature causes fatigue or drowsiness.

Your body feels tired when you come home and just want to sleep when doing intensive physical work daytime. This does not happen due to sleeping desires, but due to body reactions due to a decrease in body temperature and a decrease in body temperature.

You will be able to return the body temperature to wait for passage of this phase is usually a feeling of starting awakening and warning.

In order to recharge your physical energy, I propose to take 10-45 minutes nap during the day as part of my powerful sleeping plan. When I feel this nap, I fall asleep with the falling body temperature at that time. A nap should not exceed 45 minutes and should not go into a deep sleep. Deep sleep only triggers a further decline in body temperature.

When you wake up from your power nap, you may feel sleepy, lethargic due to high melatonin levels. With the help of physical movement of light and exposure to light it is important to return your body to normal temperature.

I can understand that you feel tired even if you lead the way of life you sit. It is not that it is a thing that sleep gets stuck behind the necessary one. This occurs because of a frequent drop in body temperature.

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