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About photography terminology

What is the F stop?

If you are new to the photo world, some of the terms can make you confused. All this insider information does not get confused enough to see it first. You just need to learn some of the basics and you are on your way to taking better pictures.

Here is a brief description of some of these terms and how it affects your photos.

Ambient light: It is natural light in the scene. This is also said to be a light that can also be used from time to time. M ...

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What is the F stop?

If you are new to the photo world, some of the terms can make you confused. All this insider information does not get confused enough to see it first. You just need to learn some of the basics and you are on your way to taking better pictures.

Here is a brief description of some of these terms and how it affects your photos.

Ambient light: It is natural light in the scene. This is also said to be a light that can also be used from time to time. As much as you like to photographers use light flash or artificial light as far as you can. Most professional photographers will tell you that the best possible light occurs twice a day for outdoor work.

Aperture: A camera setting that controls the amount of light that enters through the lens and reaches the camera's sensor. Think like an opening that controls the end of your lens. Aperture is measured with f stop such as f5. 6, f 8 or f 22. The opening may become confusing in that the larger the opening, the smaller the f stop number. Therefore, in low illumination situations, it is necessary to put a large amount of light in the camera and set the camera to f5. 6. If you have a bright scene like a beach or a lot of snow on the ground, you will bring the lens closer to f22. A small number, more light can enter the camera, many, less light.

Writing: Although it is thought that writing or transferring the file is mainly to the disk, in photography terminology, the image editing program makes the digital photo brighter
Buffer: Memory - The part of the memory - chip of your camera that holds digital information as written on the card.

CCD: sensor of your camera that captures visual information and turns it into digital information, filled couple device.

Contrast: The difference between the brightest and darkest parts of your photo. Two more extreme, bigger contrast.

Depth of field: The amount of your photo at a definite focus. Depending on how you set the aperture, if the entire image is fully focused, or you can simply control the selected part.

Digital Zoom: In contrast to the optical zoom controlled by the camera lens, the function of the camera the zoom was created through the digital process. Although avoiding the use of the best avoids the image produced as a digital zoom, it can give a lot of grain or ambiguity.

Dodging: The step used when editing photos with programs such as Photoshop. Avoiding allows you to relax selective areas of your photos. Sometimes you want to dodge part of your image hiding behind deep shadows.

Download: Transfer images electronically from the camera to the computer.

DPI: Points per inch. Measure the resolution of your photo. The higher the DPI, the higher the resolution of the photo.

Flash: The device comes with your camera, adding light to the scene that is too dark to expose the proper picture without the help of artificial light.

Fill the flash: a technique to lighten the deep shadow using your flash. Using many photographers Illustrate flashing shadows It is a condition of the weather outside of a plant or florist during shooting.

Highlight: The brightest part of your photo.

Histogram: Many realistic graphic professionals produced with the digital camera's LCD finder on most ceilings showing breakdowns in different light and dark areas of your photos, simply looking at the pictures of their photos from the histogram above I will judge the quality.

Image Browser: You can display computer applications and all thumbnail images are saved on the photo's computer.

Image editing: Digital editing that computer programs can take takes pictures. The image editing program blends multiple images together, or adds titles and special effects, performs exposure and color correction everything from your photos to the most used programs by experts is Adobe Photoshop. A great program for amateur enthusiasts is Photoshop Elements.

ISO: A gauge of how sensitive your camera is to light. Most digital cameras can change ISO from anywhere from the setting of 100 1600 today. In the lower case, I will see the image by ISO. As you increase the ISO, your image will look more coarse.

JPEG: A specific type of digitally saved image. For otaku, JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. The two main forms of compression used for digital cameras are JPEG and the ultra-high format is called RAW. All points and shoot camera save images in JPEG format.

Liquid Crystal: A liquid crystal display, a small screen of a camera functioning as a viewfinder, a screen for checking photographed pictures.

Megapixel: A measurement unit equivalent to one million pixels. Sometimes the camera boasts 5 megapixels, making it easy to get a picture will be created with 5 million yen (in pixels). The more megapixels used, the higher the resolution of the image.

Optical zooming: This is the control you have for your lens, based on the optical properties of the lens, as opposed to strengthening the digital image. The optical zoom setting does not affect the quality of the image.

Pan: Photographic technology used to follow the moving subject. Think about the sideline's position during the football game. The past running the player as, is from the left to the right, the still picture shooting screen you were following. The shutter that the camera is moving is open with the focus on the player focusing on the player indicating whether this technology is being done properly.

Red eye: This is a feared red glow that we see that coming frequently from people's eyes when we use the flash. The red we see is actually the reflection of blood vessels behind the retina of the eye. Many cameras have a red-eye reduction function to fire beforehand in front of today's main flash. By doing this, the iris of our eyes closes quickly and reduces the amount of light passing through the retina. Many editing packages have red eye removal if the camera could not do the job.

The Third's Rule: How to compose your image to make it more visually appealing. Spiritually split your photo in a third and place the main theme in one third in contrast to the dead center.

Saturation: How much color is in the picture?

Shutter speed: The time the image sensor is exposed to light. A shutter speed of 1/60 means that the aperture is open for 1/60 seconds. Clearly, 1/400 means that it is open for the 1/400 th of the second. Shutter speed and opening cooperate. The high shutter speed tells you that more light needs to enter the camera. If the shutter speed is slow, less light is required. The combination of different shutter speed and aperture combination takes a very creative and interesting picture.

WHITE BALANCE: How the camera looks at the light. The color tone of the photograph varies considerably depending on the light source. Fluorescent or tungsten light under shooting is completely different from things that are under sunlight. It is different illumination condition to supplement auto white balance for camera.

Vintage sewing pattern to understand

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Sewing pattern, art, craftwork, sew

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In addition, you must enjoy sewing management skills matchmaking. People who sew well do not worry about fashion and its impact. They can find the correct fit of clothes for themselves in their favorite color. You do not need to worry that your favorite color is not available in the market. You also do not need to limit yourself to a particular style. Should you know that the clothes worn by old movies are being restored by young people, and some of the clothes worn by these movies are always true? Some of contemporary films like Dick Tracy and Titanic bring this old classics to this contemporary.

It is easy to make vintage clothes using the sewing pattern of the Internet borrowing help from the internet.

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Available vintage sewing pattern, it is that pattern in the exact time. Some vintage design patterns are goods like modern - fasteners. These patterns change the appearance of old clothes. The style attitude and comments are included in the vintage sewing pattern. There are some accessories that are recommended for different styles and ages. References to Hollywood, Paris and the Queen of Society may have been popular in the style you adopt.

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