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Acrylic Painting Lesson - Mistakes to Avoid in Your Acrylic Painting

Title: Acrylic Painting Lesson - Mistakes to Avoid in Your Acrylic Painting

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When you are just starting acrylic painting, you will be most certain to make your share of mistakes, this is the natural process of painting and we will learn and grow from all our mistakes . In this article I will introduce some of the more common mistakes made by beginner acrylic painters.

Acrylic paintings, art lessons, tips, tutorials, techniques

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When you are just starting acrylic painting, you will be most certain to make your share of mistakes, this is the natural process of painting and we will learn and grow from all our mistakes . In this article I will introduce some of the more common mistakes made by beginner acrylic painters.

# 1 to avoid mistakes: do not use enough diversity in your paintings. Funny pictures have various things. It creates curiosity and interest and the viewer wants to return again to observe it. So how do you create interesting pictures? Please use various different brushes, techniques and values โ€‹โ€‹of your paintings. Change the direction of your brush or mix different techniques on the same picture.

To avoid mistake # 2: too technically or copied. To say "to truly" in order to truly draw a subject, you do not say that you should copy the subject exactly as you are seeing. I connect to an interior painter and really refer to drawing your own impression of what you see. This is how your inner creativity shines on the canvas. It sets off painters like Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet away from the others, each of them has injected their style and mind into their work. I believe that your unique unique creativity comes to the surface at the moment when you stop depending on the technical and theory related to the painting. I have not told that one should not study techniques and theory, but at some point we put it in the back burner and our creativity needs to do some of thinking. Whatever you do, please do not copy other artists. There is nothing wrong with allowing other artists to influence you, please just allow me to come through your own unique style.

To avoid mistake # 3: You are not observing your subjects. If you are a portrait painter, have you ever studied human anatomy? If you paint the landscape, if you paint the landscape, you have to take time to observe the themes inspired by what you draw, Do you have enough time outdoors in that environment? If you do not spend enough time observing the subject you want to paint, know enough with knowledge to paint them there is no.

Mistake # 4: I am not using quality art supplies. Are you using quality acrylic paint supplies? A truly experienced and competent artist can probably use the teeth to create the whole picture but do you really want to do that hard work? ? When you come to fine art supplies, you usually get what you pay. When you paint with a 50 cent paint brush you will be painted like a 50 cent paintbrush. There is a high possibility that the ferrule will loosen and the hair will probably be drained. If you are really using cheap paint, you will probably get more than getting really cheap results. The color does not have the same shine and correct consistency. So invest in high quality art supplies and pay close attention to them as well.

Avoid mistake # 5: do not use enough paint. Learn how to apply paint to the canvas. Many beginners often do not reload sufficient brushes. When I first started painting, I made the same mistake. I will try to cover as much area as possible by squeezing out a little lump of paint. In my case, I was lazy, but many beginners are afraid to waste paint. This is a reasonable concern considering the cost of equipment. But the truth is that your picture is to be more interesting if you put the brush stroke down, leave it alone, then reload your brush, otherwise you Just stain, and do not paint, try paint on the canvas, do not scrub.

To avoid mistake # 6: beyond thinking. While you are painting, please do not criticize or judge your work. This creates discouragement and forces many beginners to get frustrated and end. Just relax and let go. Please trust yourself and your ability.

I hope this article is in reference to acrylic painting.If you fail in your work or you are not satisfied please never be discouraged. Mistakes are learning tools. Learn and move on. The most important aspect of painting is the pleasure we receive from it anyway. Frustration and discouragement should never rule over the experience of painting. Happy painting!

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