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Advertising swap magic

This is a little additional cost to the mailing list for building implementation up to utilization technology. I call it "use subscribers to make subscribers" in the context of "to spend money to earn money".

The building scheme of this simple list can be summarized in two words: exchange of advertisements.

Generally, trade advertisements and other eZine publishers, preferably increase the size of the same mailing list. EZine publishers broadcast eZine publisher advertisements to your mailing list while publishers endorse your ad in his list. There are actually mutual promotions cross-promoted or promoted to each other's mailing list.

The purpose of your advertisement should get as many subscribers as possible from the mailing list of other eZine publishers to sign for you

Result: Raise your mailing list. In short, you can do it for free. And subscriber return? infinite!

You can also follow this with eZine's publisher at least once so that your subscriber, his contractor, can now follow within the boundaries of your mailing list

As soon as you exchange advertisements with as many eZine publishers as you can, you have a huge mailing list of freedom you made yourself.

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Convert all visitors to subscribers

If a person visits your website and leaves, the chance is that he or she will not come back, especially if there is no compulsory reason to do so. After all, we all act rather impulsively on the Internet, so you can easily forget about where the 10 web pages were.

But the main point is that your visitors may not come back to your website 1,000 visitors visit your website, left and never come back again will not come back So you lost the amount of potential income, just imagine you can change a few visitors to your customers.

Because there is the idea that things are unique, according to the characteristics of the content to be created, there are so many people to visit and their own content will not be solved. A real, long-term solution is on your visitor's transformation to subscribers on your mailing list.

Request your visitor's name and e-mail address that you would like to change him or her to your subscriber by simple opt in your mailing list before your visitor leaves your website Opting in form doing this by doing.

And if your visitor signs to be on your mailing list you can still chase with him by e-mail. We can provide you We offer you the idea of ​​the subscriber, but we will provide it for your security.

At everything, convert as many visitors as possible to subscribers and get a legitimate worthy potential income - an easy and wise way.

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