The world's largest cut topaza called the Topaz of America is in the Smithsonian Institute of Washington, D.C. Weigh the 172 facet topaz 22,892. 50 carats (5785 km), it is the world's largest cut yellow topaz and one of the largest multifaceted jewels of all kinds in the world. Originated from Brazilian Minas - Jerais State, it cut off for a period of two years. It was purchased by American Rockhound enthusiasts and presented to the Smithsonian institution in 1988.
As this cut topaz is awesome, awesome that Smithsonian equally dazzles another display. It is a Sherry-colored topaz "spray" from the Utah's Thomas range. With this color top-of-the-line Mexico, Utah will become clear.
Other luxurious displays of natural crystals include Stibnite clusters, bright metallic luster antimony ore. This magnificent group of crystals is from Iyo, Japan and it looks like something from Superman's home!
Another huge mineral in the exhibit is Smithsonite, stated by James Smithson who gave funds to establish the Smithsonian facility. He first discovered this greenish zinc carbonate mineral from the Kelly mine in New Mexico.
Some others do not miss the items in the Smithsonian's jewelry collection Smithsonian Canary Diamond, Big Canary and Bismarck Sapphire of Diamondli 98.6-Carat are also part of the collection and are among the world's largest sapphires. It originally came from Sri Lanka. It also refers to some of these gemstones In an attractive raw state, sapphire is a mineral made of large corundrum crystals and rocky stone
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