It was 11 and 2002 that American idol was first aired and a big and popular show was born than most people imagined. Today it is difficult, so at least people who are American is the American - Idol Sea. I love it, I dislike it, it is an American icon of a show that does not show signs of deceleration. Actually, it seems that it is getting bigger.
How was your first season? The first two Xiang. .
Small tits. :
America, Idol, Fox, singing songs, competition, outside the Simon cafe, Te Paula Abdul, randy jackson Rad
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It was 11 and 2002 that American idol was first aired and a big and popular show was born than most people imagined. Today it is difficult, so at least people who are American is the American - Idol Sea. I love it, I dislike it, it is an American icon of a show that does not show signs of deceleration. Actually, it seems that it is getting bigger.
How was your first season? The first two shows go to the auditions dedicated to judges, Randy * Jackson, Paula * Abdul, and Simon * Cowell (Chicago, New York, Dallas, Ma 112 contestants citizen began voting I made it to Hollywood trying to earn one of the 30 spots to go to the round you did.
During the three, four, five weeks of the show, 10 30 contestants went. The United States voted and only 10 moved from each of the three groups. Later, in the sixth week, five wildcard contestants, with a judge choosing one of those contestants to go on for a total of 10 contestants in the final round
The next week two competitors were sent home. After that, the show began to eliminate contestants one by one.
It was Kelly Clarkson and Justin Kwan Finalist. Kelly took the crown in May 4,2002 and went to her name to become a very successful pop artist with a couple of Grammy awards, she is one of the top names of pop music It is getting.
After the first season, Kelly and Justin appropriately made a movie titled "from Justin to Kelly," but their American idol bad plot may have had that horrible performance, The movie was a flop.
Runner-up in the season after American Idol, at that time American American Idol's rules probably contributed to his difficulties, but it took Justin out the album out of the case season 1 then Eid Rule, how Kelly's album has been released. He was forced to turn down some offers to be displayed on TV shows, to the model for Tommy Hilfiger, and at least one
When Justin was allowed to release his own album, he introduced Ruben * Stardard and Clay * Aiken, Lily of the two winners of the season and runner-up new syndicated loan of American appearance, American-Idol Sea Notify me that the return is fashionable and calm atmosphere.
Tamrya Gray which finished fourth in the show is okay. She released her first album to tepid sales but succeeded with some of the acting projects she did.
American Idol finished, but since she finally got back to her roots of music, the third season finish Nikki McKibbin is struggling for the first season. Her debut album is going to be released on January 1, 2007.
The latest season American - Idol Sea, Season 6 is a season with multiple episodes. Another notable difference is that the judge (yes, it is still Randy, Paula, and Simon) during Hollywood's week decides who the top 24 contestant is, then three weeks with the boys The girl sings on a separate night and only competes among themselves. Every week two people and two girls are eliminated. Later, when six and six girls remain, their last 12 will compete in the head regardless of gender regardless of gender.
Even if you are not a fan of the song, you just want to see the show watching Simon * Cowell, one of the judges, and his non-fun of the contestant every week is a fun show.
American idol does not vote for the worst
This show is popular since the first season as the premise of a show like an American idol is to find the best singers in the country and toe them to the toes with the karaoke style contest in the karaoke style contest, the former idol winner and loser He has had great success. Old loser Jennifer Hudson Recently won the Academy Awards, the season's first prize - Kelly Clarkson is a bestseller. .
Small tits. :
American Idol, Howard * Stern, the worst vote, Enkuyala
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This show is popular since the first season as the premise of a show like an American idol is to find the best singers in the country and toe them to the toes with the karaoke style contest in the karaoke style contest, the former idol winner and loser He has had great success. Former loser Jennifer Hudson recently won the Academy Awards, the season one winner Kelly Clarkson is a bestseller and Grammy award winner.
Recently, they are a call for weapons to vote in the worst case, and at this point it is Sanjaya Malakar, a man of moped hair with no identifiable singing talent. This is of course a wonderful mess and there are some problems with the worst case vote:
There is someone who asks motivation of Malakar. Stern, who is self-proclaiming king of all media, Howard * Stern, his listener is requesting to vote for the worst contestants. After switching to satellite radio, after winning the load of money track, is she totally bored? Also heard that the name - address - date of birth - telephone business is not strict, there is discussion after listener trickle.
Another company is trying to vote on the worst website website by piggybacking on the success of American Idol. Of course, there are tons of information about what they feel is an American idol problem, a contestant chooses and moves up in the entire contest
The fact that there is a t-shirt with the logo of the company being sold asks the question whether the reason is altruistic. They argue that caring for big players handed over for innumerable reasons. Do they donate their interests to this unknown talent?
American Idol
Voting for the worst athlete may seem fun at first, but there is a possibility of long-term impact on American idol. Perhaps Stern would help with a bad genius if he had to actually see his decree following his edict and see if he could determine the outcome of the American idol race, I assumed the position of Representative Director, 2008. I still mess up idols.
Viewers think that they may actually have some form of singing talent at the beginning of the season to see misfits and delusion people A. But, we are all in the series I know that I could not see a bad singer. If the only option is to tune at the Week of Week to see only the most mediocre of contestants, the audience will begin tuning in tandem to launch a legitimate singer like Stephanie Edwards Needless to say the unfairness of. They deserve their time to shine as well and are deprived of their chances by a cruel grassroots campaign.
Singers such as Sanjaya Malakar and Antonella Barber belong between the page of Star Magazine and the page of National Enquirer. Meanwhile, the opportunist from the stern and website will vote in the worst case. Because I would like to try hard on piggybacking other products or U - Hawk.
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