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Among the best-known diamonds


I hope this 45.52 carat steel blue diamond
It is currently being exhibited in Smithsonian.
Legend of bad luck and curse
Give it to the owner of the desire
Diamonds are numerous. This diamond is
Donated to Smithsonian in 1958. this
Hope was originally quite flat and bulky
110 - carat rough.

Stands out in Dresden Green
Natural color diamonds. It is the largest
Weighing the world's green diamonds
40.70 carats This diamond is historical, big
And it has a slight natural green color
Blue overtones. These facts make it virtually

Conde pink is pear-shaped,
Weight is 9.01 carats. This pink diamond is
Once owned by Louis XIII.

Tiffany's yellow color is beautiful
Canary - yellow octahedron weight 287.42
At the rough (metric) carat discovered in
Either in South Africa in 1877 or 1878. this
Boasting an exceptional masterpiece after cutting
Weight of 128.54 carats. And until recently,
It was the world's largest golden yellow.

Coinor (mountain of light) is now
In the British crown jewel. this is
Diamond weighs 105.60 carats. First
As mentioned in 1304,
Once set to famous Sharjahn
A peacock throne as one of the eyes of a peacock.

Agra is classified as being colored naturally
Weight of 32.34 carats with flashy pale pink.
It was sold in 1990 for about 6.9 million.
Since this sale, it has been changed to a
Cushion shape weighs about 28.15 carat.

The blue of Transvaal is a cut of a pear. This blue
Weight of diamond 25 carats. It was discovered in
Transvalst's Premier Diamond Mine,
South Africa

A big chrysanthemum was discovered
In the summer of 1963 in South Africa
Diamond field This 198.28-Carat's fancy
Brown diamonds
The color of that rough honey. However,
After cutting, it proved to be rich gold
Siena and overtone harmonics and brown

Taylor - Burton Diamond is a pear
69.42 carat diamond. New York Cartier
Purchase this diamond at auction
1969 and then it was baptized "Cartier." Next
Sun Richard - Burton's Diamond
Elizabeth - Taylor's He has renamed it
"Taylor - Barton" 1978 Elizabeth
Taylor put out diamond for sale
Dollar bought 2,500
Cost of each diamond
To show it. Finally, in June 1979,
Diamonds were sold for nearly $ 3 million.

Diamond fraud

It is when it comes to diamonds
Many scams to avoid. Most fraud
Although it is minor, some major items
It comes out from time to time
Buy and sell diamonds. Small tits.
Most people to buy
Diamonds - for whatever reason
It is diamonds to know that it is. Therefore,
They are easily deceived.

Most jewelry store common fraud
Participating is The Carat Total Weight scam.
Jewelry part tags, usually ring,
We are talking about total carat weight only for all
Alternative parts of the list diamonds,
Separate total weight for each diamond.
This is because consumers
The diamond of the work is actually larger than that
is. What is the center's total carat weight posted
There is a stone. Also, please be aware of fractions. Jewelry
Shop leaves diamonds and becomes circular
weight. This means that it is instructed by a jeweler
It is a carat diamond
Probably between ↑ and ↓ carats - but
It is near.

Jewelry stores often carry out "fluorescence"
Fraud to various degrees. Refer to
Blue - white diamond etc as diamonds
A fraud pale diamond sounds pretty
Unique and special, but in fact, this type of
Diamonds are of low quality - even though
The jeweler tries to make you think that you are
Get something special. Jewelry store
It also has a training center that its diamonds are bright
Let the light shine diamonds. Small tits.
To see another diamond, it is darker
Tie of type similarly.

Some really evil jewel targets
People who want to examine diamonds
As a gift I was given to them
Purchased elsewhere. They will try to tell you
Diamonds are not worth or they are worth the following
It is actually worth more than - and to offer it
Exchange it off for your hands or much better
Diamonds, along with cash to make up for
the difference. This is called low balling.
I will get the second, third, even more forward and backward opinions
Before taking any action.

Another common dirty trick,
I chose a diamond and paid
Low quality and value
Leave it set as a piece of jewelry, or
Leave the diamond ring size. Only
I can say that, I'm lively
Avoid reliable jeweler's your jewelry
I have not been doing business in the past.

There are more fraud than that jewel.
The store generally pulls nothing to rely
consumer. Just the best judgment,
Buy your diamond and
Mindful attention and care.

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