Title: Anthony Sheenard is the best European sf author
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At Eurocon 2007 in Copenhagen, Denmark, delegations from various European countries have elected Hungarian Shan Dol Szélesi as the best sf writer.
His first novel called Városalapítók (Settlers) awarded the Pasmany Peter Catholic Zsoldos award in the "Best Hungarian Science Fiction of the year" category -38 year old sf, fantasy and thriller writer now live in Budapest I will.
sf, fantasy, europe, literature
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This year, Eurocon was held in Copenhagen, Denmark - Eurocon is the official annual sf tournament of European sf society (ESFS).
ESFS has established several awards for the best Europeans in the sf field - best author, best promoter, best translator, best <b> artist, best publisher, best magazine </ strong> b>. The best authors of 2007 have Hungarian sf authors, Shan Doll · Szélesi, has nearly 25 novels and a lot of short stories - mainly in Hungary.
38 years old <a href="" http://www.sfportal.hu"" title="" sci-fi," fantasy ,="" hungary"=""> sf, fantasy </a>, thriller writer Has an author's name - he <a href=""http://sheenard.sfblogs.net"" title="" Szélesi" sándor ,="" anthony="" sheenard"=""> Anthony · Sheenard </a> has published his book. <i> (Most Hungarian authors were obliged to use English names by publishers.) </ i>
He is an editor of the Hungarian sf magazine called Átjáró (~ Gateway) and many of his short stories are the most famous Hungarian sf magazine <a href = "" http://www.sfportal.hu / irodalom - novella / galaktika "" title = "" Galaktika "magazin, =" "metagalaktika" = "" "> Galactica </a>.
His first fantasy novel was published in the 1994 Cherubion press. His first sf novel, <i> settlers were published in 1997, then as the best Hungarian SF novel of the year <a href = "" http://www.sfportal.hu/content/ blogcategory / 404/513 / "" title = "" Zsoldos "péter =" "díj" = ""> Zsoldos Pasmany Peter Catholic </a> Awards were awarded.
Shann doll · Szélesi also wrote a mysterious historical novel and thriller, and two books, including collections from his 70 short stories, also saw the light of the sun.
Currently, he works as a screenwriter in the Hungarian television series.
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At Eurocon 2007 in Copenhagen, Denmark, delegations from various European countries have elected Hungarian Shan Dol Szélesi as the best sf writer.
His first novel called Városalapítók (Settlers) awarded the Pasmany Peter Catholic Zsoldos award in the "Best Hungarian Science Fiction of the year" category -38 year old sf, fantasy and thriller writer now live in Budapest I will.
sf, fantasy, europe, literature
Article Body:
This year, Eurocon was held in Copenhagen, Denmark - Eurocon is the official annual sf tournament of European sf society (ESFS).
ESFS has established several awards for the best Europeans in the sf field - best author, best promoter, best translator, best <b> artist, best publisher, best magazine </ strong> b>. The best authors of 2007 have Hungarian sf authors, Shan Doll · Szélesi, has nearly 25 novels and a lot of short stories - mainly in Hungary.
38 years old <a href="" http://www.sfportal.hu"" title="" sci-fi," fantasy ,="" hungary"=""> sf, fantasy </a>, thriller writer Has an author's name - he <a href=""http://sheenard.sfblogs.net"" title="" Szélesi" sándor ,="" anthony="" sheenard"=""> Anthony · Sheenard </a> has published his book. <i> (Most Hungarian authors were obliged to use English names by publishers.) </ i>
He is an editor of the Hungarian sf magazine called Átjáró (~ Gateway) and many of his short stories are the most famous Hungarian sf magazine <a href = "" http://www.sfportal.hu / irodalom - novella / galaktika "" title = "" Galaktika "magazin, =" "metagalaktika" = "" "> Galactica </a>.
His first fantasy novel was published in the 1994 Cherubion press. His first sf novel, <i> settlers were published in 1997, then as the best Hungarian SF novel of the year <a href = "" http://www.sfportal.hu/content/ blogcategory / 404/513 / "" title = "" Zsoldos "péter =" "díj" = ""> Zsoldos Pasmany Peter Catholic </a> Awards were awarded.
Shann doll · Szélesi also wrote a mysterious historical novel and thriller, and two books, including collections from his 70 short stories, also saw the light of the sun.
Currently, he works as a screenwriter in the Hungarian television series.
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