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Apart from pregnant women maintain acid reflux dilemma

There are many reasons for this baby, that baby many women have experiences like heartburn symptoms.

One of these is an increase in the body's hormones in women while they are pregnant. The occurrence of this is caused by softening the ligament which is to keep the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) than the function closes tightly. There is a tendency when LES rests with an inappropriate period, this allows stomach acid and food to return to the esophagus and throat to reflux.

Another reason to experience heartburn during pregnancy is because body changes and baby's development exert more pressure on the female stomach. Therefore, the contents of the stomach are pushed into the LES, and then into the esophagus.

However, there are several ways in which you can observe pregnant women who reduce the discomfort brought about by heartburn. Next may not remove heartburn at all this is a good advice:

* Avoid foods that cause heartburn. An example of this is a medical expert who knows the complete list of food to avoid reflux of chocolate, spicy food, citrus and juice, mustard, tomato and tomato, fat food, fried acid Please refer to. Also, the risk of making food a bit less dangerous heartburn.

• Remove drinks with caffeine like tea, coffee, soda. These too relax the LES so that the acid returns to the esophagus.

* Staying from alcoholic beverages. In this way, as caffeine relaxes, like this, the same effect heartburns.

* Eat big meal Avoid. It is suggested that taking many small meals throughout the day will be better.

 Lunch is a meal to eat. With the help of thorough food of chewing a heartburn of evasion, eating to spend a better time also.

• Rest for at least 3 hours after you have finished your last meal before taking your sleep.

• Pregnant women advice to take more glass of water, at least 8 to 10 glass days, though this must be taken during the meal This will cause the stomach to expand and the LES to have more pressure And it is obligatory to open improperly. For this reason, it is really recommended meal between drinking water and other fluids.

• When sleeping, increase the head of the bed for at least six to eight inches. Please go to bed with a raised head and shoulder through a wedge pillow. This allows gravity to keep your stomach acid in your stomach, not esophagus. Please consult your doctor to obtain additional knowledge on how to alleviate nighttime heartburn.

* Do not wear tightly adequate clothing. It is accompanied by anxiety that causes breasts of dense and disturbing my heartburn.

* When you turn, do it by the knees instead of the waist. This is by no means creative.

* Do not lean forward.

* Maintain a sensible amount of weight, lots of weight and fatness Give more pressure on your stomach. As a result, this forces stomach contents into LES and into the esophagus. Stay in your doctor's guidelines.

* Avoid smoking. The doctor states that smoking may cause some effects on pregnant women and states that they may experience heartburn.

Extended acid reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the medical term of "acid reflux", creates mucosal damage, also known as chronic symptoms, therefore, the product of abnormal reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus

Infants and children can also be affected by this disease, but beat adults primarily. Normally spur by eating certain foods, otherwise take pregnancy, or sleep after eating a heavy meal on the right, a large number of people at a time with acid

Heartburn and acid indigestion are different names that refer to acid reflux. A major symptom of heartburn, reflux of the esophageal acid is stated to cause burning anxiety behind the breastbone.

Symptoms may come as cough, voice conversion, hoarseness, constant ear pain, or sinusitis. Esophageal cancer that acid reflux can lead to esophageal ulcers and exacerbations due to having complications.

However, the sense of constant heartburn does not always guarantee GERD already. Risk occurs when heartburn occurs more than once a week, and this opportunity is likely to lead to the development of GERD.

The usual cause of GERD is an increase in sourness or production of gastric acid in body, obesity, pregnancy, or perfect clothes, all of these can be added, yeast infections also like reflux esophagitis It is considered to be one of the causes of symptoms.

The additional iron cause of reflux esophagitis is inadequate production of stomach acid in the body. Explanation stated that flaps and hollow organs, once the empty, trigger acidity in the intestines, once the valve fails to open, valves, guarantee a one way course of fluid through the organs Contents of the stomach mix in the esophagus, then frustration is done.

On the other hand, today's GERD has several treatments, one of which is balance and healthy eating habits. Now, if the proper diet does not work, you can transition to medication or surgery as the doctor suggests. The following is a list of several alternatives for Acid Reflux Treatment:

• Appropriate Diet: The natural way to heal acid reflux is by changing their eating habits. Many people influenced by GERD succeeded by following this method. Avoid food ingredients that can intensify central burns such as caffeine, soft drinks, and smoking. Likewise, please avoid lying after eating. These are regular suggested changes in lifestyle.

* Another easy way to treat reflux esophagitis is to increase the head of the bed. There is a great opportunity for patients to get 95% relief, a combination of food prevention and bed head rise before sleeping 2 hours before sleeping.The rise of the bed head is 6 to 8 inches It is suggested to extend for only 20 cm. This method prevents backflow of gastric juice.

• Drug treatment: The drug reduces, for example, the secretion of acid in the stomach, famotidine and omeprazole reduce the secretion of stomach acid and antacids interfere with acid.

* Surgical treatment: Nissen fundoplication, standard surgical treatment for acid reflux, medication process covers a short period of time.This function not only allows the sphincter, food and waste to pass through , Stop the acid reflux, and of course spherical bonds of muscles that open and close to restore hiatal hernia

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