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Appropriate clothing for children.

During infancy.

The infant is very sensitive of the cold impression; the proper point is therefore imperative to their enjoyment of health, to the body's suitable garments. Unfortunately, the opinion is prevalent in society that generates a lot of heat for soft children and has a great power to naturally resist cold; and this popular mistake or this opinion is that this cold is a mild As the way, harmful effects do not necessarily appear during application or immediately after application, fatal outcomes may be the wrong cause too much, or strengthened by the infant sinking under the influence of an unknown cause .

The power of generating heat with a warm-blooded animal is the minimum value at birth, increases continuously with the age of adults, young animals are instead warmer than adults, To the parents who show that they must be a folly of absurd "hardening" system to the constitution (made before this is referred to

There are principles to guide parents of her infant in clothing as follows:

The material and quantity of clothes should be controlled by the season of the year and the delicacy and strength of the constitution of the child, keeping a sufficient proportion of warmth to the body. But to do this, the parent wraps the child with countless folds of warm clothes, it is always very hot, against the too common way of keeping confined in the nearby room; therefore, I am just suggesting Especially on the opposite extreme: for what it tends so much to enfeeble the constitution, to induce disease

In their makeup, they need to be arranged so that they do not limit the free movement of all parts of the child's body.

In their quality, they should be such as not to irritate the delicate skin of children. In infancy, therefore, the flannel is rather too rough, but as it gets older, as it gently stimulates the skin and maintains health

With that structure, the dress must be easy enough to wear quickly. Pins must be completely eliminated by their carelessness by the nurse, and even by the infant's own normal movement, its use is dangerous.

Clothes need to be changed daily. This is noticeably promoting health that a complete change in the dress should be done everyday. If this is not done, laundry will fail in a major sense for that purpose, especially to guarantee freedom from skin diseases.


Children's clothing should have the same properties as in infancy. This should not be done at opportunities as it gives warmth by being a material that does not irritate the skin, such an unnatural constriction.

And thus we should not forget that children, exposed to thin clothing with variable climate, and other dangerous air on the other hand, as we are frequent subjects of the croup, that Too warm clothes are sometimes sources of the same disease caused by exposure to cold, and in many cases especially cold it is because in the spring and autumn that our climate ups and downs are the largest, and Congestive and inflammatory complaints are the most common.

For materials (as observed before), the skin bears flannel next to it at this age. It may be put in place during the night the benefits and possibly substitute cotton during the summer Flanger will resume quickly in the fall. From the very great delicacy of the Constitution, if it proves too irritating to the skin, fine wool socks will generally be easily tolerable, and

It is very important that boys' clothes should not constrain movement of the body, limbs, or pressure on the waist or chest. All his muscles should have full freedom to act, as their free movement promotes both their growth and activities, so these muscles

The same remark applies to the girl's dress with the same power. Since it is not so, however, when the girl is trying to come out of this life period, the dress system, then the most harmful influence on her health

Stomach and intestinal disorders among young children.

Stomach and intestinal disorders are one of the most useful causes of early childhood illness. Just by preventing their confusion, if all things are equal, the infant is healthy and prosperous and does not need the help of doctors and doctors.

There are many causes that may cause these affections; many of them appertain to some of the mother's systems, infants. Everything is possible in a wonderful range of being prevented or treated. Therefore, it is most important that mothers should not be ignorant of this subject or in error. It is the prevention of these affections, but it was mainly living here; so that my mother keeps in mind, and for the sake of clarity and reference the prevention of disease alone belongs to her these Spoken when a failure occurs:

To infants in the chest.

Infants' stomach and intestines may become confused from unhealthy breast milk. This is enough to mention that parents get out of health, situations that appear to themselves, and those who are immediately interested in her welfare, only to imply it here, That there are many causes of common types that may be borrowed; however, that it is most frequently unjustified breastfeeding, and that both

Anxiety in her mother's heart is that her milk is unhealthy in its character, lacking in quantity, causing flatulence, swallowing, and sometimes infant convulsions. The fitness of the nurse 's passion complains to children who frequently have intestinal fit. Of course, these causes are temporary and milk will be sufficient for children as healthy and as before when deleted.

But sudden and big mental disturbances occasionally drive the milk, and overall in a few hours. Mrs. S. 29, a fine healthy woman with a blonde complexion, was trapped in a boy. She had a good time and had a rich supply of milk for her children. However, milk did not return, we needed a wet nurse. In the spring of the following year, this woman's husband failed, it was a pressing adversity from the day when breast milk disappeared, on that day his wife knew the situation of her husband's circumstances, soon the mystery of milk

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