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Atkins' basic dietary principle

Atkins diet is not a new phenomenon. Diet therapy first appeared in the late 1970s, and popularity has grown in recent years according to the intrusion of low-fat diet therapy. As Dieters had trouble with a low fat plan, searching for a new solution, Professor Atkins' new dietary rotation book found a new audience.

Many people are rapidly increasing in the Atkins' era and are being a result of many hype. But what is the basic principle of Atkins diet?

Atkins' diet is based on the theory of why we get fat. According to Atkins, over consumption of carbohydrates and simple sugars leads to weight gain. The way your body treats the carbohydrates you eat is related to your waistline than the amount of fat and calories you consume. In his book Atkins outlines the phenomenon called "insulin resistance." He theorized that many overweight people have cells that do not work properly.

When you eat excess carbohydrates and sugar, your body notices that sugar levels are rising. Insulin is released from the pancreas to store sugar as a glycogen later in the liver and muscle cells for extra energy. However, the body is only at the shop Glycorgen. As soon as your body reaches the limits for storage of glycogen, extra carbohydrates are stored as fat. Eating this person is also a lot of sugar.

However, insulin resistant people always have excess carbohydrates in the use and storage of time. It will be more resistant than more insulin that is exposed to your body. Outside the time, insulin and cells are more resistant to insulin than the release of the pancreas. Cells are trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of hyperinsulin. He made less glycogen and below.

As a result, insulin resistant individuals get extra weight. Carbohydrates are converted to fat instead of energy. Other side effects include fatigue, brain "fog" (lack of concentration, memory loss, loss of creativity), hypoglycemia (which may lead to hypoglycemia), bloating of the bowel, drowsiness, depression And when there is insulin resistance of glycemia there is much more than the weight with the stick.

Treatment for people with resistant insulin is a carbohydrate-restricted diet. The esoteric point of Atkins' diet is the limitation of all forms of carbohydrates. The food restricted by the Atkins plan contains simple sugar (like cookies, sodas and confections) and complex carbohydrates (like bread, rice and cereals). Health like oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread and the carbohydrates considered are limited by the program.

Dietary therapy may restrict your carbohydrate intake a day to a little more than 40 grams. This makes your body ketotic. During ketosis, your body burns fat as fuel. According to Dr. Atkins' research, the ketosis status also influences insulin production, so that more fat is not formed. Your body begins to use your stored fat as an effective form of fuel and loses weight.
Another advantage of Atkins' plan is that ketosis ends your craving for carbohydrates. If you live in a Carb heavy diet, you may find that you can not simply get enough carbohydrates. Carbohydrate restriction and ketosis come and decrease of carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms. People who have been on the Atkins diet for some time will report that they do not crave the carbohydrates as once.

Early stages of Atkins diet are pretty tough, but the program tell you to restore balance to your diet in the long term Until they find a comfortable balance between their health and carbohydrate use , Use a minimal amount of carbohydrates to eat slowly reintroduction meal

The basic principles of Atkins' dietary tailored to the plan of many other low-carb diets. However, the popularity of Atkins remains strong as one of the most effective low-carbohydrate solutions for those who are still insulin resistant.


Criticism of Atkins

Atkins diet is very popular, but it also comes with many criticisms. Health experts, doctors and diet experts come up with regard to Atkins diet and other low carb diet from all different opinions. Some believe it is dangerous, some say that it is a healthy way to lose weight and others say that it will work in the short term

However, there are thousands of individuals who have discovered the success of Atkins diet. They can talk from personal experiences, know that a meal works, it is an effective means of maintaining weight. There are thousands of voices advertising the advantages of low-carbohydrate methods of life.

There are many typical criticisms of Atkins diet. The first one is that it is fat too high for meals. Butter, oil, fat meat used in Atkins diet is far from the epidemic of low-fat diet that swept the country. For many people, low fat - mind spread, why eat real buttery cream. At first glance there seems to be too much fat. But pay attention to that according to the guidelines punishment guidelines programs and do not know the close ties of good fat. Extra new olive oil and other useful fats are highlighted. Proper use of these oils is important for brain function and mood management.

Another popular Atkins critique is to focus too much on food and practice well. This is an unfair request as the Atkins book clearly spells out the need for practice. Because they are an integral part of the program, there are a lot of attention paid to food choices, and what they are used to eating usually, but this is not an integral part of the Atkins program It does not mean that. Aerobic and anaerobic practice regimens are encouraged and both greatly enhance your weight loss efforts.

Many Atkins critics feel that diet therapy is going too hard without delay in the long term. Critic in this department admits to point out that Atkins is effective in short-term weight loss efforts, but it is difficult to maintain time to end the lifestyle. But those who have long-term success with Atkins are forbidden in other programs to the main Atkins plan that it is one of the simplest diets to follow for a considerable period of time , There is abundant food that brings about the effect of suppressing appetite. When combined with rapid weight loss, Atkins, a motivational factor for many people, is easy to persist in the long run.

The side effects of Atkins like constipation and bad breath were topics easily pointed out by Atkins' critics. However, these side effects are not as common as critics make them. If they occur, normal side effects persist only through the first phase of the diet. In addition, drinking additional water usually handles both problems fairly quickly.

Many diets have advantages and disadvantages. Especially if you do not enjoy preparing meat and eating, Atkins is probably not for you. But consider Atkins, be sure to see beyond the common critique of the truth about diet therapy.


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