Hair combing is a day-to-day activity of almost all people. Some people keep certain hair styles in their lives and some particularly younger generations adopt a new style according to new trends and ways. Hair style has a close relationship with person's personality. Unhygeinic people's hair is usually tangled and dirty because of the lack of washing and combing. To have healthy scalp hair, proper nutrition is necessary. General health has a direct relationship of hair quality and quantity. Regular cleaning, use of hair oil is also, beautiful general tips combing is required to make a ect hair the appropriate combing has been described here.
1) Variations of combs are available in the market. The best comb is chosen considering the nature of the hair (hard or soft, long or short), style and convenience.
2) Mocking should be regarded as the greatest concern and concentration. Some people especially gentlemen think about some other things and combs without any care that may be harmful to hair.
3) It should be calm to comb. An active comb can enhance hairfalling.
When your hair is wet 4) Please do not comb. The first dry towel palm oil, light massage. Coming is easy and harmless now.
5) It should not be compromised in the opposite direction of hair. I will increase this hair.
6) Actively combining in the backward direction can create towing alopecia.
7) Frequent combing can damage the scalp and hair follicles. People carrying pocket combs often use it and make it a habit. Coming is enough for two or three times a day.
8) The teeth of the comb should not be sharp, it should not be pushed too hard on the scalp.
9) Try to always clean the comb before and after use so make difucult the and the pain of combing hair and the soil was precipitated in the gap.
10) Other combs should not be used. This helps to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Head lice can spread from one person to the other by sharing combs.
11) It is difficult and painful to comb the tangled hair. For that purpose Use shampoo wash, add oil after drying, and comb hair for free.
Cerebral palsy
It is due to the non progressive neuromuscular disorder which gently causes severe disability during life. This state appears as a group of persistent qualitative movement disorder that appears in early childhood for some morbidity in damage or intrauterine life to the brain during delivery. Neuropsychological problems are multiple in nature, nonprogressive. About 100 bio live births per about 2 have this problem. There is no genetic tendency in this disease.
Causes of cerebral palsy:
1) Injury to the brain during delivery.
2) as a complication of forceps delivery.
3) Lack of oxygen supply to the baby during delivery.
4) Infection during delivery.
Signs and signs of cerebral palsy: -
Marks and signs may not be similar in all affected babies. Depending on the damage to the brain, there may be mild to severe lesions.
For mild cases: -20% of children will have mild disability.
Moderate cases: -50% of cases have moderate disability. Affected children demand self help to help their damaged ambulation capacity.
Severe cases: - about 30% of children affected is completely helpless and bedridden, they need the care of from allways other people.
Abnormal findings in cerebral palsy: -
1, the reflection of an abnormal newborn.
2 Stiffness of all muscles using difficult-to-move movements.
Extention of the tip of the vertical suspension of 3 infants.
4, lower limb cutting by convulsion of the thigh adductor muscle.
5, in the worst case the back turns like a back and the arch bends.
There are 6, total or partial paralysis.
7, inhibition of neurological, behavioral developmentement.
8, swallowing can be difficult in some cases.
9, Saliva drooling.
10, calm to a tough mental retardation.
11, abnormal movements can be seen in some cases.
12, Typical movement and tremor.
If the cerebellum is affected 13, there is a loss of muscular condition of difficulty walking.
14, complete or partial loss of hearing.
15, voice may be affected.
16, narrowing eyes and other visual problems may be associated.
17, convulsions may be seen in some children.
Cerebral palsy is detailed clinical examination and brain tumors, it is diagnosed by other similar removal of diseases such as ect of progressive atrophy. All investigations like CT scan, MRI and regular surveys are necessary for other diseases to ruleout.
Management of care brave paralysis: -
General administration:
This includes appropriate nutrition and personal concern. Symptomatic medicine is necessary to reduce convulsions and muscle stiffness. Diazepam can reduce spasticity and athetosis.
Dantrolene salt-mediated is maintained by skeletal muscle.
Physical therapy:
Massage, practice, water treatment and ect are necessary here. Special training is given to train walking, swallowing and talking. Affected children will also be trained to hold articles for regular activities.
Moral and social support should be given to these children. They are new projects with expertise that special education schools that can be considered capable can specialize. Mental retarded children need special training. Special instruments and machines according to Disabitity are given for walking and will support its dayday activities.
Occupational therapy:
This is given by an occupational therapist. They train people with disabilities to do the proper work so that these people can earn their own income.
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