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Baby crying - reason.

Baby crying - reason.


Crying is a normal event in all baby's life. Baby is to do first when coming out of the oh crying.By The first cry, he will take some air to the lungs for the first time in their life. After giving birth, the baby will not cry. From this it is clear that a healthy baby should cry and it is clear that it is a normal physiological event and still some time it is a mother

We all know that a baby can not tell his need or need of a word. The only way he communicates with other people is to cry. The baby shows some signs such as a foot kick, a hand swing, a head rotation. But the best way to catch others' attention is to cry.

If the crying habits turn from baby to baby and some babies can calm easily, but some are crying with difficult to sooth, for mothers and home nurses It is miserable It can be over-called. A lot of times and silent breast milk gently shakes book value. Excessive crying of sudden onset and baby needs pain, attention is needed. The cause of crying extends to a life-threatening state for simple reasons. You should not ignore the crying baby for that.

In most cases, it is difficult to find the cause of cry. The common causes are some of the consciousness discussed here.

General reasons for crying:
1, starvation: -

Hungry baby cries until he gets milk. Here the old maxim will come true'carrying baby 'milk'.

2 Wetting: -

Micturition and defecation cause some discomfort, crying until his part is cleaned and dried.

3 company: -

The majority of children need someone nearby. They feel cry if they feel loneliness. Make sure that you are ringing from your favorite doll's slip with grip.
4, exhausted: -

When the baby is tired after traveling and can not sleep, just cry. Because of the unhealthy climate they feel exhausted with unpleasant sour taste.

5, heat and cold: -

However, I will scream with calmness of heat or cold. Children are comfortable in a ventilated room.

6 hard cloathing: -

Hard cloaks during warm weather can not bear for children. The tight elasticity of the dress can also produce pain in the hip area.

7, dark room: -

I wake up from his sleep, but he needs it, it is necessary. If there is darkness, he will cripple his parents' sleep. Of course he is crying with a strong light.

The power of 8: -

Yes, these living things disturb sleep by bloodshed and make the baby cry.

Nostrils of 9: -

A child may not be able to sleep when there is cold, and may not be able to keep crying until the passage opens.

10 throat sputum: -

In this way, accompanied by breathing difficulties cried. In many cases, typical sounds can be heard with each breath.

11, general pain: -

Disturbing generalized body pain is seen in influenza, the prodromal phase of an infection can result in continuous cry.

Twelve habitual shouts: --- Some baby cries without real cause ending an anguish parent. In many cases, the doctor is asked for help.

13 diaper rash: - If a hard, wet diaper is kept for the result for this conditon for a long time.
  The rash may also be due to some allergic reaction to the elastic material of the diaper. When a rash is displayed, it causes pain and the baby can not sleep and cries. Eczema, ecthyma, all other skin lesions such as ect of candidiasis also cause the same problem.

14, otic pain: -

Ear infections are common in damp climates. Infection may spread out of your throat. Ear infections can result in rupture of the tympanic membrane causing pus discharge. Pain when lying down usually gets worse at night. The child will cry and calms down and may not allow you to touch your ears. Some children with otic pain frequently rub the affected ears.

15, colic: -

When my baby cries, most of us diagnose colic. Since this roblem is still a topic for controversy, the exact cause for colic is not known and diagnosis is also difficult to ascertain. Colic may be related to the swell and fullness of the abdomen. I feel like I have many children, I am sleeping abdomen. Some children may not allow you to touch the abdomen. If a child continues to cry, the doctor needs help.

16 infections: -

I cried by pain stimuli like some of the causes of all infectious diseases. Infections are everywhere in the body. It is usually associated with fever, redness and swelling.

Reaction to 17 specific foods: -

It is said that someone's food is another person's poison. Some foods are allergic to some. Allergies appear in the form of redness, shortness of breath, stomach symptoms and continuous cry.
18 stiff seats: -

A Constipated baby with a stiff seat may shout when they get the urge for a seat. Some children hesitate to pass the seat for suffering.

19 Gastro's esophagial reflections: -

Here the baby spends his food after breastfeeding and cries. If this continues, it may be due to gastroesophageal reflex. This is due to the failure of the lower part of the esophagus which closes after the food causing the reflux from the stomach. Diagnosis of this condition is difficult and can be confirmed by administering anti-reflex drugs.

20 Dentition: -

I cry and calm among the dentition children. Frequently associated with stomach trouble and diarrhea.
Some rare reasons

1 intestinal obstruction: -

Intestinal obstruction is associated with severe pain and vomiting. The abdomen is swollen with rumbling noises. The baby is constipated with the absence of flatus.

2, sepsis: -

The invasion of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood is called sepsis. Fever is associated with this condition.

Twist of the testicles of 3 male children: -

When a male baby cries continuously, you should examine his scrotum. Torsion of the testicle creates a worse and severe pain due to the contact of the affected testicles. The pain is releived when the testicles are pushed upward. If this is not properly handled it can hurt the testicles affected by lack of blood supply.

4, meningitis: -

At first there might not be a fever, so please do not ignore another empty staring and irritated baby. Fontanel is bulging. Rigidity and seizures of the neck may appear later.

5 urine retention: -

There is a pain of disturbance to make them calm down to the urine holding child.

7 major injuries: -

Major injuries to every part of the body cause pain. Occasionally the child falls between arrying and result of head injury. Head trauma is associated with reflex emesis and convulsions.

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