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Baby who adopted nursing

Not only is baby breastfeeding easily adopted,
Opportunity is to produce big
Amount of milk. It is not complicated,
It is different from raising breast milk
Baby You are pregnant for 9 months.

Breast feeding and milk
This has two objectives.
Chest to give babies adopted. Initially
Give your baby breast milk and give other things
We produce enough breast milk.

There is more to breast-feeding than just milk,
That's why many mothers are willing to eat
Without expecting to produce milk by way
I need a baby. It's intimacy and
Bond breastfeeding provides many mothers

To take a breast
Nevertheless, I feel many early introductions
Bottles are breastfeeding,
Early introduction of artificial nipple
It interferes with many things. You can get it right away
Baby to the breast after delivery, better
Things will be.

But baby asks for flow from
To keep breasts staying attached
Suck, especially if they are used to getting
Bottle or flow from other feeding methods.

Production of breast milk
As soon as you adopt a baby,
Contact the lactation clinic and start acquiring
Preparing your milk supply. Remember, you are
There is a possibility that there is a baby. I will.
It keeps it feeling
Pump in front of the baby so that never, never
Pretty good by getting milk as a baby
Who is often latching and sucking.

Compression of the chest

The only purpose of breast compression is to continue
Baby no longer flowing milk into a baby
Drink yourself. Compression also stimulates
It disappoints reflections and often causes natural let
Down reflection occurs. In this method,
It is useful in the following cases:
1. The weight gain of the baby is bad.
2. Baby's colic while breastfeeding.
Frequent nursing or long feeding.
4. Nipple pain for the mother.
5. Recurrent block duct
6. Feed the baby who gets to sleep soon.

If everything goes well, breast compression
there is no need. When everything is going well, the mother
Allow the baby to finish breastfeeding on the first side,
Then, if the baby wants more, we will offer the other side.

How to use breast compression
1. Hold the baby with one arm.
2. Hold your chest with other arms, thumbs
On one side of your chest, your fingers on the other
It is far from the nipple
3. Keep an eye out for baby's drinking,
There is no need to become an obsession
All suck caught. Babies get more milk at times
Drink with sucking open pause type.
4. When the baby is nibbling, or no longer
Drinking is not so difficult, compressing your chest
It hurts, but by breast compression, baby
You should start drinking again.
5. Keep the pressure up to the baby
Longer drinks of compression will then release
If the pressure baby stops sucking with
Please wait a while before compressing release of compression
Also! .
6. Reasons for releasing pressure are as follows.
Allow the rest of your hand and you can start milking
It flows again to the baby. If the baby stops sucking
When you relieve pressure, he will start again
Once he tastes milk.
7. When the baby gets to suck again, he
If you can not drink it, simply compress again.
8. Continue feeding on the first side
The baby no longer drinks by compression. you
Until he needs to allow his time to stay on that side
I started drinking myself.
9. If your baby is not drinking any more,
Get out of your chest or take him.
10. If the baby still wants more, please offer it
Repeat the process as above with the other side.
11 Extra nipple, except for the case,
I want to switch this aspect several times.
12 Always work to improve baby's latch.


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