The main ingredients contained in beer are water and malt
Barley, hops, yeast. I have other ingredients
Flavoring, it like sugar and other ingredients
It is commonly used. Starch is used as well
They change easily with a crushing process
Fermentable sugar to help increase
Alcohol content of beer, while adding body and taste.
Looking at beer as a way primarily composed of water
The source of water and its characteristics are very
Important influence on the character of beer. .
Many of the style of beer,
Characteristics of water in the area. However,
The effect of brewing water mineral is complicated,
Hard water is suitable for dark styles,
Soft products are more suitable for light style.
In malt, barley is the most widely used.
The content of its high amylase and digestive enzymes
It promotes the degradation of starch
sugar. Depending on what can be grown locally,
Other malt and unmalted cereals can be used
As wheat, rice, oats, rye.
Malt is obtained by immersing grains in water and permits
It germinates and dries germinated grain
In the kiln. By malting grains, enzymes
Finally we convert the starch in the grain as follows
Fermentation sugar.
Since the 17th century, hops have been done
It is commonly used as a bitter taste of beer. hop
It helps to contribute to balancing bitterness
The sweetness of the malt. They also contribute
A fragrance ranging from citrus to grass.
Hop also provides antibiotic effects to support
On the following, the activity of beer yeast
A desirable microorganism. Beer's bitterness
It is usually measured internationally
Bitterness unit scale.
fermentation. The specific tension of East is chosen
Depending on the type of beer produced,
The two major strains are Yale Yeast and Lager Yeast,
With other variations available as well.
Yeast helps metabolize sugars
Extract from cereals and produce alcohol
And, as a result, carbon dioxide. Before the function
Understood of yeast, there was all fermentation
It is done using wild or aerial yeast.
Fining agent
Many brewers like to add more than one
Unnecessary beer clarifying agent
To be published as a raw material. As an example
Isinglas finings obtained from swimming,
Fish and Irish moss bladder, this is the type
Of red algae.
Since these ingredients can be obtained from animals,
People involved in the use or person
Consumption of animal products should get details
Information from Brewer.
Beer culture
Social context
Many social traditions and activities are very
Associated with drinking beer like playing cards,
Darts, or other games. Consumption of beer
People who may be associated with isolation and surplus
While drinking, drink away from their troubles
Excess with company may be related to binge
Drink it.
In the world
Beer is consumed all over the world. there is
Several breweries in Middle Eastern countries
Well, such as Iraq and Syria. There is also
African countries and other distant breweries
The same applies to countries such as Mongolia.
Glassware serving
It is an appropriate beer glass
It is desirable by some drinkers. I have some drunkards
Sometimes you can drink from a bottle of beer
Or, if someone else owns
Put the beer in a glass. Drink from a bottle pick
Because I upload aroma with my nose, if I want to drink alcohol
I appreciate the scent of beer, beer is the first
Mugs, glasses, or poured into Stein.
There is a specialized style similar to wine
Glass for some kind of beer at some breweries
Production of glass products intended for their own style
Conditions for providing beer have a big impact
With experience of drinkers. Important factors
Drinking is temperature - it's cold
Temperature begins to ban chemicals
Sense of narrowing tongue and throat
Beer flavor profile down, specific permission
Lager to release their crisp feeling.
pour it up
It affects the pouring process
Flow rate from beer presentation
Tap, glass title, and position
It affects all the results pouring on the glass,
Like head size and longevity and
When it begins to release, bar disturbance
Carbonation action
More bicarbonate beer such as Germany etc.
pilseners Required time ago
Many of them are offered in, but they are offering
Addition of yeast remaining on the bottom
Add extra color and taste.
Beer rating
For beer evaluation,
The fun of drinking beer with the hobby of
Collect it. Sometimes I drink beer
They tend to record scores and various comments
This is a global activity, as people of
The United States will exchange beer bottles with them
Living in New Zealand and Russia. The score is
To sum up together to create a subsequent list
Not only the most popular beer in each country,
They are all over the world.
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