1. Stop and go.
Do not forget that full sprint places a burden on the muscles of the lower body when doing a sport that needs full splints. To cope with this, practice to go away. For example, run 30 meters in about 80% of your effort, slow down to 5-10 meters jogging, then run another 30 meters. Repeat this process 5 times.
2. On a bent knee
Approximately 3 ACL injuries occur and the athlete lands or rotates. If your knees are not straight but bent, the risk of injury will decrease significantly according to JAA's report (American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons).
3. cool down
Heat stroke can not be cured easily like a headache. Please cool and hydrate to avoid it. Always temperature 160 degrees below humidity. This is due to Dr. Dave Janda of IPSM.
4. Get the right equipment
We will scratch it with equipment of ill mal gear or ill size. Extra money used for proper equipment goes a long way.
5. I will do it in the right way
Bad technology is just as bad, well, bad equipment. From a consultation Professional trainer, this advice is valuable exercise or training.
6. Go to the west (or which direction)
However, the performance was made with the training so as not to make everyone warm in multiple directions. All moves you may be doing, forward, backwards, move sideways. I will prepare my body for this.
7. Please take a picture by yourself
The camera does not tell a lie Please show your video to people in your training.
8. Loosen your shoulders.
A slightly hurt cuff tendon can tighten the function of the shoulder. Sometimes you want to include stretch to protect your rotor cuff.
9. Please swim ahead of time
Time swimming session. People can also pool the pool.
10. Protect yourself
We will reduce the risk of security guards etc at the entrance. There are UNC Chapel Hill at 82% of the trauma in. Pick the cash for custom fit mouth guard and it will last a year including your smile and teeth.
11. Smooth your tendons
Ask about ultrasonic acupuncture. These procedures are minimized by guiding the needle using ultrasound. The needle smooths the bone, breaks the calcification and fixes the scar tissue. Thirteen out of 20 patients will see improvement and the session will take about 15 minutes of your time.
12. I bought running shoes.
In the evening of the shop, the feet are swollen after a day of work. It approximates how your feet will be after 3 miles of running.
13. Please turn off road driving.
If the surface is unstable, I will train the ankle to stabilize.
14. I know where I am going.
Whether its cycling, or skiing, make sure any path is first dry running. You can avoid many injuries when you are familiar with the route you take.
15 Hard train.
Anxiety, according to articles of sports science magazine, will reduce your peripheral vision three times and delay reaction time by approximately 120 milliseconds. When it is difficult to go, veteran athletes train for and skill for the techniques they practiced. If it is an expansion under the cooler cooler pressure, and if you want to see its vision, it has made the response much faster
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