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Big Brother 7 - Lisa was kicked out

Risa Huo became the fifth housemate who is kicked out after she was voted out of Nicky, Imogin and Mikey in a struggle first in all directions.

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Brother 7, Big Brothers, Big Brothers, Reality TV

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Risa Huo is the fifth house appeared to be kicked out of his brother's house after she voted for Miki * Dalton first in Nikkuraghame, Imogen Thomas and four tussle

As soon as Grace got boots last week, Lisa became a favorite man at 4/5 and could be the next person who is expecting a nomination from Aisleyne, Richard, Susie, Pete.

Big Brother introduced a twist this week for nomination - instead of discussing the rule breaker Glyn, Imogin, Lee, Lisa and Nikki who were not allowed to nominate in the usual way, they are in front of each other , I had to nominate one member of the group on the spot. They were not allowed to discuss their choices or appoint themselves, and most nominating house mates were automatically referenced through referendums and the voting was done as follows:

Glyn and Lisa nominated Nikki and Imogen voted for lea. Nikki faced the eviction of the third consecutive week with two nominations.

The remaining housemates - Aisleyne, Mikey, Pete, Richard, Susie were nominated as usual in the privacy of the diary room. Nikki has already been standing up for a referendum so the remaining housemate could not name her.

On Monday evening, although the rest of the nominated housemate was not officially revealed until Tuesday evening, Lisa will be charged 1 /

As she traded at 1/100, it was no surprise that host Davina McCall announced that she was kicked out.

Lisa reacts well with the mixture of a typical smile and good blasphemy, hugging each of her housemates in turn, "sorted companions", "mint", "easy to do it

Housemates followed the landslide eviction rate for several weeks - Grace Polling 87.9% and of course 91.6% of Cesar, Lisa evacuated she week

Big Brother's latest twist will show five new contestants entering the next Friday 's secret "second" house. In the new house, bedroom kitchen featuring access diary room, lounge, bathroom, garden.

Instead, on the vote to evict housemate next week, the public instead selects one housemate to "save" but to live with five new entrants in the new house.

Big Brother 7 - Half Period Report Part 2

Here, five short round-ups of the remaining nine established characters and how they are in the fair betting market, Big Brother, Hafuway

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Brother 7, no-buddy votes by big brothers

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Here, five short round-ups of the remaining nine established characters and how they are in the fair betting market, Big Brother, Hafuway

Current odds: 20/1

Aisleyne was voted for the next house, but since she thought that she and her songs constantly singing hip-hop songs, she gave a shock to other house-mates Aisleyne is the strongest female character , Her fake ghetto speaks and snaps with other housemates, she is often exiled. The "next to the house" twist will be to face her when they actually go to the main house and she will return herself, but the Aylain is a few weeks of five new trickies Promoting "aiming campaign.

Current odds: 50/1

Imogen is disappointed and her character in the house is just a female version of Mikey. Tabloid paper, we will believe, nothing like dullness of reality serial fellow soccer player is blunt. Until recently, the only screen time she enjoyed was when she had a boring conversation with her compatriots Glyn and Welsh. For those who are proud to be educated at the university, Imogin is chosen to break the work of milk to gain a luxurious food budget She passed the job, but what is needed is , To pour milk from a huge bat without noticing what she was doing. Yawn

Current odds: 66/1

A self-proclaimed "sexual terrorist" is another dullard who thinks he has a chance of victory. Since arguing with Imogen for several weeks ago, he has regrettably not done anything since seeing his nomination by other housemates ends. Come to people and vote for him!

Current odds: 80/1

Bored boring, boring Big Brother made a fuss about their "Golden Ticket" campaign, "public lucky members" would get the chance to enter the house. Instead, Susie, an aging glamor model that had been applied for Big Brother several times in the past, apparently chosen randomly to participate in the rest of cohabiting Suzy is a bit more for Nicky and Grandma lover Glyn I found a role as a surrogate mother in my desire object in my house. Oh, she likes to drink tea. A lot of tea.

Current odds: 80/1

Surgically enhanced Lee has so far felt that life is difficult in the house so far she denies it because of her money that can shed the most tears in Nikki, I found the main goal of Aisleyne who established himself as a home alpha woman, but Lea is in love for Pete. Almost unhealthy interest and constant crying to Lea's Pete will see her companion's housemate evict her soon. And before time, either.

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