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Cats are smart!

If the correct definition of the term "intelligence" is "the ability to memorize and remember information and the ability to use them while solving various problems"

Put an adult cat in a room that she never went to and see how she examines every corner of the room. This detailed search provides valuable information on the environment, in some cases even information that can save her life. In fact, the curios peculiar to cats never hurt them.

We know that the ability of cats to inspect the surroundings is legendary, but at the same time it proves that this ability is superior to other livestock

 The intellectual ability of a cat is demonstrated by her ability to use information that she already has to safely pass through certain circumstances. Cats can form "learning methods" which are properties that should belong only to primates.

Cats observe, imitate, try, and of course, learn through mistakes like men. There are many stories that cats can draw drawers and cupboards, but some cats can use lights and toilets.

 Given the fact that cats are the most intelligent livestock, giving pet human motivation can cause damage and behavioral problems, so keep them

 For example, because cats can not look back and think past, cats can not tie her actions and punishment, so she just got a revenge for past punishment just a few minutes ago You can not claim.

 In conclusion, please do not underestimate your cat's intelligence! It is for the benefic experience that a pet acting knowing and acting can act.

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