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Cause of toothache

Toothache is many different things that can cause toothache. Even if you do not expect it, toothache can come at any time. Pain can sometimes be unbearable and can do virtually anything that can be done to stop the pain. When toothache comes first, many of us will start to wonder what it will cause to happen.

Some of the major causes of toothache include tooth corrosion, cracks, and cavities. Cracks usually seem to be invisible to the naked eye or x-rays, it may be difficult to diagnose, but cracks in the teeth are also the cause. Cracks make you feel like you are exploding as exposing dentin and nerves to the air in something else you put in your mouth, so if you do not fix them It gets worse and will probably break your teeth at the gums.

Another cause of toothache occurring after tooth treatment is pulp inflammation. Regardless of how well your filling or crown is done, the materials used to fix the teeth can cause pain later. There is really nothing you can do. Please note that there is such a case Fixed the problem of the dentist of the linguistics.

If you have exposed roots and nerves, it could also cause your toothache. This usually occurs due to rough brushing, retracting the gums and exposing the route. If the roots are exposed, drinking air or liquid may cause toothache. To prevent this from happening, be careful when brushing and do not try to rip the gums.

If you use tobacco products, you probably get toothache more often. Biting tobacco is a common cause of toothache and toothache, and cigarettes will eat with your teeth until nothing remains. Especially, it does not take time to happen, especially if you are biting for a long time. Smoking is bad for your teeth and smoking at the same time you eat them with them can also induce toothache.

Even though there are many causes for toothache, there are things you can do to stop toothache, suffer and prevent. You always need to brush your teeth on a daily basis, and go to your dentist for your regular medical examination. You should always go to a dentist and fix your teeth as you get a toothache. The dentist may be able to catch it quickly Save enough teeth - it can prevent you from getting it pulling, wanting


Looking at gingivitis and periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gingivitis, is a serious condition that usually leads to loss of teeth. In adults, gingivitis and periodontal disease are the most common forms of gum disease. In order to prevent gingival disorders of both types, it is always necessary to polish teeth and remove as much dental plaque as possible. If plaque builds up, the disease of rubber is usually a result.

Gingivitis is known as inflammation in gingival tissue. If plaque and tartar are built up along the gum line, the rubber eventually inflates and gets irritated. Over time, the gum becomes very soft and looks swollen. When you brush your teeth you find that your gums are getting very painful and they begin to bleed slightly to no pressure. Brushing during blood pressure, opportunity Yes It is a collective name of diseases that occur in the organization. You should not have signs of blood to polish your teeth and floss anytime.

At this stage of gingivitis, there is no loss of bone structure. You can help with flossing and through brushing several times a day, but to prevent gingivitis. There is gingivitis and if you do not do something about it, it may lead to periodontal disease. A person who does not handle gingivitis or a person who keeps bad oral hygiene practice ends with periodontal disease, usually.

Periodontal disease is the condition where bone and surrounding structures are destroyed. You can not reverse this form of mouth disease but you can put a stop Go regularly to your dentist and brush your teeth a few times a day Periodontal disease in severe condition There is always need to stop progress.

If you do not do something about the progress of periodontal disease, the condition will worsen. In the early stages of illness, you can see that your gums appear bright red, very painful. This is due to the plaque built under the gum line. When left untreated, dental plaque and tartar under the rubber will continue to eat with teeth.

Keep in mind that plaques need not be visible or detected for periodontal disease to be diagnosed. To determine if there is periodontal disease you need to periodically investigate your dentist. You can run your dentist and we can determine the test gums and teeth. If you have periodontal disease, you can stop the progression of your dentist and tell you how to prevent things from getting worse already already. .

Both periodontal disease and gingivitis are not usually painful and both tend to progress in a slow way. You may not have noticed that you have one of the two in the beginning, but symptoms and signs will begin to display at a later stage. Normally you will lose your teeth as the later stages begin.

To be on the safe side and protect your teeth and gums, you should always go to your dental practitioner for your regular health checkup and cleaning. When you catch it within time, your The dentist can help you to treat the early stages of gingival disease. You do not have to wait until it is too late, so that a more advanced stage of periodontal disease can completely destroy your teeth and gums - and


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