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CD replication information

It is important to realize it from the beginning
The duplication and duplication process is the same,
Regardless of content, not only the difference,
Between CD duplication and duplication process.

A copy of Cd points to the written Cd
As a personal computer and CD burner. of
Some burned CDs on baked audio Cd
Player, normal car stereo, portable CD player,
And an older type of CD player.

The replication of Cd has a much faster turn time,
There is no need to just make a stamp.
The replication process can be started immediately
Replication process
Not started for 5 - 7 days, during that time
A glass master stamper is required.

Personal computer being done in the field,
Couple with duplicate audio data CD with
Minute. To duplicate a CD, you need the following items
Computer equipped with CD-RW drive. This drive
CD disc, can not lose
A copy of the disc.

If you have a DVD-RW drive, you can copy both DVDs
And CD disc. These drives are the usual way
As they can effectively copy what they are
Stick to the drive. Once you get your drive,
Software for copying the disk is also necessary.
There are a lot out there to choose from you.

By using CD-RW drive, you can copy audio Cd and data
Cd makes a copy of SVCD. Disk used
The CD holds up to 700 MB (megabytes) of data.
A little over the music time.

We offer duplication of all CDs,
It is very popular Why its wonder. If you did
So before absolutely not available replication, rush
Turn the computer for CD-RW drive right
Now - many uses just to surprise you.

Benefits of CD duplication

It is a means of making the CD duplication process.
Several copies of various types of Cd none
Make many copies. This term,
Describe the need and use of short-term quantities
Various types of copies of Cd. Most CDs
Duplication is done for quantities less than 500.

The value and quality of replication is high,
Sound quality is very good and matching
Original quality. There are many advantages
CD duplication includes:
1. To duplicate that less expensive CD
Rather than doing full replication
Requests are much lower.
2. In most cases, during replication
It will be the minimum amount more than the actual
Needed. With CD replication, you can do the following
This extra duplication is eliminated.
3. I do not believe it
It is much faster to use CD replication than a complete CD

There are other things you can take
Secondly, it looks the same. In most cases, CD duplication
It costs more per CD than that of full run
Replication But in the long run, this is still
It will be much lower. It will not be like it.
Either, or blue-black
For items not burned, display it

CD duplication, never a little more, is widely used
Very effective CD duplication system and
In a timely manner. Technology is constantly improving
Likewise, you can look for quality updates
CD duplication system is also wonderful -
News for people who enjoy duplicating CDs.


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