According to Chinese legend, twelve animals contested one day who should lead the cycle of the year. Who was going to reach the other side of the river first, the rest of the animal will receive that year according to its finish.
All twelve animals gathered and flew into the banks of the river. Not known to cattle, the rat jumped on his back. As the cow was about to jump to the shore, the rat flew off the back of the cow and won the race. The pig which was very lazy finally ended. Therefore, the rat is the first year of the animal cycle, the second year of the cow, and the last pig.
China's animal signs are the 12-year cycle used for date dating. They represent the periodic concept of time, not the western linear time concept. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of this year will fall somewhere between lunar and early. China has adopted the Western calendar since 1911, but the lunar calendar is still used for such Chinese New Year. Many Chinese calendars print both the sun date and the Chinese month's date.
The cultural aspect of Chinese folklore animals' billboards is the same as the Western monthly horoscopes were developed for different moon signs, Pisces, Aries etc, Chinese horoscope may predict that people born in horse years are cheerful, popular, and love to praise others. These horoscopes are funny, but they are not seriously regarded by Chinese people.
If you are Capricorn (Monday 22 - Monday 20), you are a personality that you can not respect, but it is a quiet, subtle way. These are people to achieve whatever purpose they put for themselves. They have no grit and determination to see the project or purpose no matter how much it takes. They are not recommended to be able to do unexpected fashion, but they seem to be burning and flashy. Capricorn always comes on time and is always in a position of responsibility. They are good psychologists because they are capable of listening to short-tempered people and abusive words. Despite being more passionate than others, they have the ability to stay calm and reasoning in opinion differences and conflicts.
They are deep thinkers with good memories and intellectual curiosity that will never end. In their relationship, they can have a tendency towards unhappiness. Capricorns puts a very high standard for themselves and can easily be disappointed if the others do not equally high level.
Professionally, their logical aspects also become excellent bankers, but they are strongly fascinated by music. That famous Capricorns such as Ibrahim Sadat, Martin - Luther - King. Paul - Cezanne and Henri - Matisse were also Capricorn. Other well-known Capricorns include Richard Nixon, Simone de Beauvoir and Edgar Allen Poe.
After the age of the Aquarius of the great year of the Zodiac (about 2000-4000 CE), Capricorn's age will come. It is difficult to predict what will happen to human condition so far. We will be moving to other planets and the solar system. (We hope!), What defines the age of Capricorn if the age of Aquarius is marked by human understanding and greater understanding among the people on the planet (We hope!). We will achieve the goal of Aquarius. Many people look towards the beginning of the new century and new era of the great year of hope that we will learn from past mistakes. Hopefully, we will continue to learn and evolve to further enhance the possibilities of humans in the Capricorn era.
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