Am I the last romantic? This is a very difficult question for me! I remember the time when love seems more pure, diaphanous. The boy saw a girl, he liked her, she gave him hope and smiled him shy. Supplied by desire
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Poetry, poetry, love, contests, submit poetry. , Sad, romantic, life, teens, free, art
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Am I the last romantic? This is a very difficult question for me! I remember the time when love seems more pure, diaphanous. The boy saw a girl, he liked her, she gave him hope and smiled him shy. Desire is given by hope and time was a perfect cook for romantic love recipes. It watched all the stars, wished, continued a peaceful idea at night, making a wish of sweet love! The sun was past, the boy was fascinated by his beautiful princess and can not get his idea back to the truck. Another glimpse of a few days keeps burning the fire until the boy can not take it anymore and moves on to the next step: romantic poetry and roses, beautiful! I will not exaggerate this by inserting a balcony into this act. But admit it, they were a good old days of love and poetry.
Today, everything seems to be very empty and meaningless. Media always shows us violence and sex, chases away our love from our lives, replacing it with desire alone. Now women have more interests in bank accounts and limousine boy driving, and probably as a crime, or not as important as a boy, a poem or a sweet boy, on the other hand, its trembling with his voice He is a stable man who should not relax his lack of confidence. He drives his luxury car with the latest fashion, scent and all things, with sunglasses to give himself a good attitude, he goes to her house and gives a horn, and she Take his partner to the highest place to impress on. And he probably will succeed most of the time. Very beautiful, how many
Well, I am very sorry but I am one of a group who will not give this "new age love". I longed for the incurable romantic poetic love in the past. If you want, everyone is free with opinions, but I stick to the idea that love and poetry should come together as blessing and not be torn The last
Poetry "Reborn" comes up in a thriller mystery novel
Muhammad - since ant - after Cassius clay announced what he wrote "The world's shortest poem," I knew I would be a poet. "I? WHEE!" I deduced in rhyme For the declaration of his triumph that reminds me of trembling within my teenaged identity for my problem.
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Poetry, "Reborn", Muhammad Ali, Casius Clay, for sale by owner, FSBO, Chris Christopherson, FSBOS, Rod McKenn, Alitheresio, Dogger, Jo
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Muhammad - since ant - after Cassius clay announced what he wrote "The world's shortest poem," I knew I would be a poet. "I? WHEE!" I deduced in rhyme For the declaration of his triumph that reminds me of trembling within my teenaged identity for my problem.
Everyday, through the atrocious alliteration or delusive doggerel through naked their hidden characters that meet several innate needs of hundreds of sane san's souls at first glance through the early works of Chris Christopherson So amazing magical masquerade within the sweet musical lyrics transcend generation barriers and eternal materials we
Even if we are not allowed to examine the essence hidden, the admiration inside is unleashed.
In 1978, I did not realize my first poetry book self-publishing, beacon, enthusiastic reception of some ignorant, afraid of rejection, I fell to a senior publisher my end , Published self-published in a bar McKuen suffering from countless rejections. And he said, - at that time - - "I read the poet most widely in the world."
Following the honor of the local yokel fans the following year I followed songs and ideas that reflected incomplete, poetry by Rasmile, who, where, and what they were doing. Even more popular, I argue that the State Poet Latourret and I co-chaired the college invitation symposium for the wantabe poet Positive well-selling of the poet editor of the Metropolitan Newspaper Papers My book is satisfied to be young Indeed, it was an unfulfilled ego.
Then a strange thing happened. I caught a case of conscience. What happens if the unforgiving God hosts my irresponsible behavior or responsibility to me due to the effect of foisting my unclean underpolandings in innocence?
Awesome purgatory - or bad - prospects of retaliation caused instantaneous behavior. When I deleted all the remaining copies from the market I developed for distribution, I stopped Penning poetry for the next twenty to five years.
Invalid with multiple sclerosis at fifty, I found myself writing another book, for sale by owner: FSBO. Mysterious thriller novel, three messed up only of marriage Self-absorption, a secular man evolved to provide some insight possibly can be conveyed
I will continue to learn what God really forgives. It is all about how he sees the challenges he has. Some of my old songs are waiting for the characteristics of song writing, track driving that appears among FSBO covers of discovery thanks to Red Haring again.
According to today's standards, Red Herring's brilliant poetry words and selfish rhyme rendering is no longer awful. Rather, they reflect the immoral fabrics of subtle 'mind' of male-female male wrestling with an internal problem of post 9-11. Red songs appear to stimulate reflexes within the Brooklyn Best, the Saints Heroine, Real Estate Agents when he becomes involved romantically.
They will work together to unravel several horrible murders in this reality - based mystery - thriller novel. Through the use in subplots, my poetry has been reborn.
For beacons and flaws, perhaps I will offer some of my remaining hands signed & numbered "First edition" & "Limited edition" poetry books on e-Bay. After all, John - Grisham's originally published novel is now a collector item?
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