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Committee or bribe?

The overseas business of soldering, administrative fee will be as follows illegal bribery.

Let's say that permission from the local government is necessary to open a manufacturing factory in Southeast Asia. Government agents are offering to get your permission within a week - and his fee will be only $ 1,000. Take care of yourselves In many countries, you started with kickbacks, bribe acceptance. However, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enacted by Parliament at l 977 prohibits bribery of officials in other countries.

It is illegal to make payments, promises even to the foreign officials that are worthy to acquire, hold, hold or gain benefits, and make such payments to third parties It is also illegal (we call official wife and brothers and sisters).

For over two decades, the United States was the only country trying to ban bribery to foreign officials. US companies appealed in the face of acquiring either foreign civil servants or risking FCPA prosecution or losing contract.

Since that time, at the request of the United States, international organizations have established treaties and treaties aimed at breaking down this practice. The European Union, the United Nations and the World Bank have adopted resolutions and policies for corruption, which are helping to level the stadium.

You do not have to get involved in bribery! The problem is that it is rarely easy to find out if the proposed payment is actually a bribe. For example, the FCPA prohibits "grease payment" which is a fee paid to foreign civil servants to promote the measures ultimately taken by the government, such as issuing routine permits But to build an oil pipeline Do you need permission of the government agent, to make sure that you acquire the permit, the environment Is it a "grease payment", or a bribe for officials to see other ways?

In light of new judgments and laws, authorities people rarely seek bribes, but there is a small payment for advice on doing business there. For example, if a government agency constructs a park in your company, approves it If you ask to pave the road in exchange for it, it will not be considered "bribery". "

This whole scenario tends to get even more complicated, making checks on the creation of people who get "or" So if you hire an agent to work with overseas agents, how he paid a bribe Not knowing that, if you can not afford to treat your company like corruption in the corruption money is leaking.

It is difficult to comply with many overlapping laws, so do not try alone. I hire a lawyer with international business experience to help you through this minefield.

In fact, I doubt if it would be better to just stay on your lawn! Such a thing is the way it goes when you start doing overseas business.

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