I bet you got your attention! It knows all business owners, but it seems to get lost in a shuffle of doing our daily business.
I do not expect to give rhetoric on many of the subjects. Instead, I am going to give you a list of 10 points each to simply jog the memory of your business.
First of all, do some businesses aimed at reducing the method cost:
1. Barter - You need to barter goods and services with other companies. Then buy before doing something for trade.
2. When it is a network, it is the same as prospects or trade prospects or mailing lists. This will reduce with your marketing / advertising costs. If you do not have a lead list, barter your items / services for lead.
3. Wholesale / bulk purchase - you can save money to purchase your business supplies in large quantities. Get a member in a wholesale warehouse (such as Costco, Sam's club, etc.) or buy through a mail-order distributor. My office supplies / paper also delivers the money to save the communication vendor so I want it at home. I will withdraw the power to the car from the store to the office and save no money! What kind of contract.
4. FREE STUFF - Please try visiting thousands of "prize" sites on the Internet before purchasing business supplies. With free software, graphics, legal form, online service etc done.
5. Borrow / rental - Purchase a piece of business equipment and need it for a short period of time? It is a rental shop in principal or rent from Kono equipment.
6. Online and offline auctions - Online and offline auctions in office furniture, equipment, cars and trucks. Pay special attention paying to those held by a law enforcement agency or IRS that item held from the criminal who will be held that auction. I do not intend to say that, so I bid only for items of tickets for commercial beeps to pay before that.
7. Plan for Forward - Make a list of equipment or supplies you need in the future. Seeing there is a big sale when going on sale before you need them, buy your items for shops.
8. Facilities not subject to abuse will be used - Equipable new purchase will be available. Car, desk, file cabinet, etc. You can find it in the yard and garage sales, used shops, message boards, and free press. An excellent item is sometimes provided when the business is to be transferred or closed.
9. Negotiation, negotiation, negotiation! This has become a lost art. You should always try to negotiate a low price for any business equipment or supply. There is no loss to try it. I pretend to be talking to a used car salesman.
10. Please leave it to new suppliers for search that can be searched. Look for low price and good quality suppliers. When I found it, the difference appeared in the trial. You may not need to get a better deal from him and change it. Just do not be satisfied with a few. It is the business in the case that judging that it is your favorite supplier.
In case you can not, native California may feel, but it has been a bit hard to argue about this. I will let you learn from doing these things for native New Yorkers.
I just remember! Every billionaires did not gain wealth through inheritance.
In the next Saturday column I will give the other half of the equalization. How to fix under more sales.
Know the score
According to Maureen * Stevenson
In case
Cost reduction - Sales from anchor Part 2
Last week we saw a way to cut costs
Our business. As promised, we will sell it from the second anchor.
Entrepreneurs are special varieties of business people striving for traditional goals and achieving them through means that do not fit into types. Often meaning you do not have much hard cash to invest in traditional marketing techniques to achieve customers. But there is a way to make your business "customer" magnets that brings "sales".
One of the first things you need to know when you start off is your prospects and customer characteristics. Just as a wagonzei advances, it is a four wheel that fits your needs. Marketing plan, marketing calendar (whether you have a budget for it or not)
The age of "a single wolf business owner" has gone, with the wind and innocence. There is a business world that wants to help in exchange for you that will help them today. Although assistance is important now, it is cold to pay, cash is unnecessary. This is where we can put some of the trade techniques that we spoke of last week to practice. It can be said that it is owner of other business. I am just using such resources.
One of the most important things to do to achieve your business goal is to keep in touch with people on your customer list. If you do not have it yet - build it even if you do not personally know them yet. Do this by mailing postcards of announcements to the surroundings of your business. If you are a brick and mortar store offer a grand opening, offer a small gift for customers on the first day 25th or 50th If your business is a business without a shopping street the same about starting your business There is a beginning of your "customer database" for all future advertisements that will send announcements and will be scheduled for 6 days after your postal date.
You have to find "Niche" There is Madison Avenue that is regarded as "location". Your niche makes you different from what you are standing for, placing it on the paper when your future customer hears your company's name, and you Make everything done from this point Achieve what you wrote.
The next thing to do is "Benefits List". What kind of things compete well when doing business from your customers? Are businesses and services such as special?
After those, you need to determine "quality" you provide. Quality in this sense is not what you put into your business, but rather what customers get out of it. You are selling, customers can use high grade tin with tin whistle that does not care about it. What customers care about is whether it will stay together when tin whistle is doing it for 6 months at the age of six. Apart from competition set as "setting" as a setting - but from customer POV (point of view).
If these lists are paper, look at them and evaluate honestly if your competitors offer the same benefits as you. Then they distinguish yourself and emphasize comparative advantage. After that, developed an "elevator" pitch. If it takes only 10 seconds to tell someone what you did to someone, that is the pitch of your "elevator".
If you are doing business, keep track of your "A" customers. Every customer is not equal. Some are dealing with browsing more and seeing more, it's easy to come back. Treat your "B" list customers like royalty, your "A" list like family.
Next, when the story of this is gathered, there is a marketing weapons depot of other weapons that should not be implemented immediately. If you do not have the capital to invest in some marketing, this will also increase your credibility with new customers, as it will always read about the success of others doing the business with you.
Naturally it goes without saying that "service" is a secret to every business success. The only definition of "service" that makes sense for these daily reasons is that customers want to be it. That is not what you always did in the past.
Warranty is very important in all types of business and people expect it. The longer the warranty is, the more attractive it will be, but fewer people will ask for a refund.
Follow up is so important, that I can hardly find a way to stand out. Nearly 70% of the lost business is not due to poor service or tinsel quality, but the reason is indifferent after sales. That's a customer database we added, not just for customers but for forgetting. Get their appropriate information - name, address, phone number, what you did for them etc. Find a way, it postcard mail, leaflet, what - but send something every four weeks. I do not remember when they need your offerings unless they regularly see your name. Since you are likely to sell tires and we will be caught knowing there is only one specific number of tires you can expect customers to buy in a year, so the last in a postcard I will remember the week and exchange it. Please let me know the car number by e - mail "Please use your thoughts separately from the tires.Please come over to the reason, except when competitors are to be sold at the moment.
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