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Defect of internal diamond

Diamond defects and inclusions

When diamonds are considered to be defective it is an imperfect jewel stone. Something about diamond did not shape properly, or there are small defects in the stone. Diamond defects and inclusions are often not noticeable to the average person, in many cases, you can label the small inclusions that occur in most diamonds, "heart" in fact, "perfect" Diamonds are negligible, but if they are in a category without diamond defects or inclusions,

There are some minor inclusions where the diamond seems slightly dull. The inclusion in the diamond can influence the clarity of the stone so as the light passes through the stone, it is intercepted by inclusion at the same time. Many of these defects and inclusions can be reduced or fixed with various forms of gemstologists and jeweler's learning process over the years to learn to overcome

Other diamond defects and inclusions may cause a weakness within the jewelry stone due to sufficiently big stone without weakness much easier than stone powder as these reduce the value of your stone. It is a flaw that I want to do.

Pinpoint intervention

When diamond has dark crystal spots in group or disperses in stone, diamond defect called precise inclusion and havea form of inclusion All dark crystals are gathered in the stone, the transparency of the diamond is also It looks like there is a "cloud" in the stone. They cause defects and inclusions of these kinds of diamonds and influence to a lesser extent by diamond influence.

Problems from laser therapy

Removing defects and inclusions of dark diamonds from jewels by treating incomplete diamonds with a laser, lines remain in diamonds that look like threads Laser lines start from the outer edge of diamonds, dark inclusions are lasers Move inwards to the area processed by. These diamond defects and inclusions are unsightly easy for most people, preferably less than diamonds.

Minerals and quartz inclusions

Most diamond defects and inclusions are negative, but diamond defects and inclusions are actually aspects of your diamond's eye-catching For example, diamonds usually have small diamonds inside small crystals so small It is some kind of magnifying device which can not be seen in things. The transparency of the diamond, if there is enough, and if they are all gathered in one area of ​​the diamond,

There are few rare examples when another gemstone is indeed inside the diamond, indeed could not be seen as diamond defects or inclusions. For example, if you have ruby ​​or emerald surrounded by diamonds, see it as a special part of jewelry - not having scratches!

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