Of course you do not need to do anything and your product is information, but I'd like to start a business that can earn over 95% profit Of course such a business exists and by 2000 It is predicted to be an industry of $ 20 billion annually.
New technology in the telecommunications industry, now entrepreneurs offer hundreds of ways that can make huge profits to operate the "paypal call" business. This business will enrich hundreds of fast-track entrepreneurs during the 1990s. why are you?
Several information providers (nicknamed "IP" in the industry) are currently making profit between $ 5,000 and $ 50,000 by providing information on a pay-per-call basis. For a very select group of IP, the monthly revenue exceeds $ 100,000. And the monthly income of some (primarily provocative sexually explicit field) has reached $ 500,000!
This very hot new opportunity is the most growing, most exciting, money-making opportunity of the 1990s.
This business is a telephone information service of 900 number. In this business, unlike the toll-free 800 number, every time someone calls your 900 number, his phone fee is displayed and you make a profit. A collection as a telephone company of a free telephone that the caller of the caller receives information and services to pay.
Rates per minute make this business interesting and informative. During his lunch time, New York stockbroker charges $ 50 per minute to give hot number stock tips to 900 number of callers.
You may already be familiar with some kind of service of 900 number. However, these common services are just 900 number programs that can provide attractive information on the surface. Consider these two successes: wave line and Alaska person's magazine. The former is a surfing update of the moment providing regional ringball shopping center, Malibu, California - region number. The surf living for that perfect wave frequently calls this number several times a day and uses about $ 1 minute for privilege.
Alaska male magazine's "900 number sale information subject to bachelor's in Alaska is an advertisement service instantly personal / mate There are few women living in Alaska, so many Alaska men are spouses I am looking for and since many women in the lower 48 states are looking for my husband and succeed
The funniest home video in America invited the state to help select the winner of the $ 100,000 grand prize for funny American home videos. This next example is very cream of crop to pay very adequately enough with 1annoucement made by the host, Bob Saggett (sustaining about 5 minutes), with another $ 250,000 program by my calculation.
The circle of fortune launched the 21 day program. Every week Pat Saw Jack invited callers to play call and luck of ring. The cost of the call was $ 2.00 per minute. Of course, it is 47 thousand who received the leg of 21 th.
It's minutes, not 4.7 million calls. The average number of callers on the line was 5 minutes and the average cost of calls was $ 10.
We earned 47 million dollars in less than 30 days.
This is only a small sampling of many uses that 900 lines can be used for
There are lots of 900 departments for service, but it boasts four basic concepts: romance, finance, maintenance and entertainment.
"Romance" line - it is a true confession, a date, and similar topics - now we earn approximately 80% of all industry sales. However, in the video industry, as this situation changes, the business will suddenly consume professional and strong concepts of business.
"Finance" appeal to people's urge to make money, save money: sports updates for stocks and bonds price lines, gambler, and horse race line.
"Maintenance" means to support the technology. Computer operator, for example, we have to name the technical support number based on the technical support number, software and hardware.
"Entertainment" refers to all other things.
Five service methods
To meet these four basic concepts, you can provide one of five ways your target market can call:
* Interactive auditext - Prerecorded message responds to caller's selection.
* Live audio: The operator or the group discussion and the burden of the caller. Obviously, it is a message other than the higher operation.
* Interactive Video: Get caller's personal computer Text and Graphics Online - Database.
* Facsimile: Send a pre-stored fax of printed information in response to a caller's request. We will propose news reports, securities reports etc through advance program program fax service.
* Messaging: The caller leaves a recorded message such as name, address, product specification, order information.
Two types of service
After choosing a method that fits your concept, you need to decide whether to sell it locally or nationally. The national line is using 900 numbers provided through one of the four nationwide common carriers. Telesphere Information Service 900, AT & T, Sprint Gateway, and MCI. Alternatively, if starting locally, you can contract with a local telephone company for local or regional 976 lines.
A young California entrepreneur known as T. Harv Eker's "Business Opp Wiz said in a recent report of 900 number service business," I thought of this dangerous business capable research market and test advertisements and services Starting hard cost 900 service. "
Experts fail ten 900 service up to one or every year. However, it represents a tremendous revenue of a huge hit of your desired concept. And by reducing your risk by following expert advice on how to pick and sell the best idea
Ras - Blackwell, Microlog executives, the main 900 service stations, 90% of the line, the call volume has not reached the expected level ", the service can still make money but , They often do not do as much as the infopreneurs expect.
There are many reasons for this to happen.
Firstly, the interests of people are less than expected, as they predominantly excite about this business and predict a much higher profit than reasonably expected.
Secondly, people try to sell bad ideas. For example, Blackwell says, "One service tried to sell insurance to the elderly, although it is a legitimate application, but it is mostly an elderly usage 900 number that they are stigmatic I guess they are, and they like to do a toll-free call.
Instead, Blackwell insists young people of the largest target market research among 15 age groups - in short, the impulse buyers.
Other seemingly good 900 information is idea flopped and other quilting information and gardening information. Why did these ideas fail? They do not meet important criteria learned by experts make 900 numbers successful.
1. Sensed value: People must believe that they receive high values from information. They have to think that the information calls 95 cents, $ 25, or whatever is worth the price of the service fee. If people can get free or inexpensive information elsewhere, they will not use them
Your service.
Jim - Coffee (ACI), President of Audio Communications Co., Ltd., insists that "you must carefully identify your target customers and provide very important value." By your target customers, Meaning that you must analyze demographic demographics and buying habits of a sender.
He adds, "The success of your program depends on two factors: your content, first measured by the average hold time (AHT) ;; and second, you
AHT means that your callers stay on the line and listen to the entire message or interact with the program or operator. It is a fee to increase the line that is required to encourage content.
2. Immediate Value: Futhermore, your visitors must sense that they need the information you provide right away - soon. This factor is why surfline will succeed - the surfer wants to hit the perfect wave now - quilt line failed - quilt can mosey to the library, right
3. In case of repeated talks It is easy to face the information service as per the caller on one occasion. You will need to repeat your content. Stock prices change everyday, weather changes every hour, traffic conditions change frequently during rush hours, people often want to contact potential dates. It is this business that is dealing with repeated calls.
Ekeru 900 service can also be conveniently and easily accessed. It must be much more convenient than other methods or media. The caller simply pushes several buttons to reach the necessary information or go through one operator.
Start secret
Your first job is to think about concepts that fulfill these criteria. Second, we must identify easily reachable target markets. Eker advises you to start with a proven category at the local level. This includes a sports line or "Condition" line - a local beach, skiing, vacation, traffic, or similar lines affecting people's leisure and driving time.
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