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Diesel and gas prices

Over the years, both gas and diesel prices
I have experienced several dramatic changes. Many years
Before, gas prices were around dollars or a
A little more, there is nothing like it today. That time,
Gas was not a demand for high price items
The car was not what it is today.

At the same time as the demand for the car grew, the demand for
The fuel also increased. Other actions and events
As a result, similarly played in the expression
Rising fuel costs. Fuel is something we are
Everything has to run our car.
You can go anywhere without it.

As you may know, most of the gas is
Focused overseas from local gasoline stan
Middle East. So, I have to pay taxes.
And paying for such things With the gas we use,
Gas as well as shipping. Once you have gas
From within the United States, people can not help
But, I wonder if the price is certain

Meanwhile, diesel is constantly managing
Maintain lower price than gas. Tsutsu
From within the United States, the price is as follows
Of course, it will be low. The only problem
Many refueling stations do not sell it.

When it comes to choosing between them,
Diesel fuel is obviously cheap to buy. Gas is
There should be a means to supply
It almost everywhere. If you own gasoline
Cars, you definitely do not want to put diesel
That's it. If you own a diesel car,
Of course, you do not want to put gas in either.

Benefits of diesel engines

If you own a diesel car
What paste is the past
Quality offered by this engine. that's all
Torque, better fuel economy and easier maintenance
But it is some of the attributes of owning diesel
A powered car.

But there are still some drivers
Especially complain about the weak power of the engine
When accelerating from complete stop. What you
Diesel which is the fact that it may not be noticed
Harm your fuel economy.

Diesel engine using air compression
Some fuel / air mixture versus combustion
It is required by the gas engine. This attribute,
A spark plug that does not require this diesel engine
Therefore, adjustment is not necessary.

There is a much higher fuel density in diesel fuel
Gas, as a result, fuel consumption will increase
20% - 30% to petrol cars.

Diesel engine is also cheaper to maintain as well
They have fewer parts than gasoline
Power engine. Lifetime of diesel
The engine is also much longer.

If you are looking for torque,
Boat and other equipment, then diesel
The engine has the best advantage. diesel
The engine is certainly late, especially in the following cases
Start from dead stop, but when you
Climb the hill, go over the bridge, diesel
The engine is reliable until the task.

Truck, diesel, normal leader
In terms of performance gas engines
Miles per gallon. Diesel truck
Prices with more miles, than gas tracks
These days are a bit cheaper than diesel gas.
With gasoline prices to rise, diesel will
Continue to dominate for a long time to come.


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