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Does the law on human charm exist?

"Attract the opposite" is at least the law of attraction involving electromagnetism. But is there a law on charm between the two? "In a world filled with strangers" a clear set of rules that allows the two to fall for each other, as the famous song line of the 1980s goes

Is charm a matter of chemistry?

Perhaps according to scientists, the appeal among heterosexual animals relates to chemicals called pheromones. The effects of pheromones on insect behavior have been studied the most. In at least some experiments it has been observed that pheromones are involved in communication between the same species and ant colonies. A terrible smell emitted by skunk to drive away enemies is said to be a kind of pheromone. Several species of monkeys rub the pheromone-containing urine on the potential fellow's legs to attract them. Several scientists believe that the diversity of these genes survives to tell male of their species that animals such as insects and mammals (usually women) have their genes different from them It is important in producing descendants with better possibilities. Perfume industry capitalizes pheromones as a means to enhance your sexual appeal to heterosexuality. Animals such as whales and musk deer were hunted down for these chemicals.

Recently, scientists see in the role of human pheromones and their choices. There are many conflicting views in the fields of biology, chemistry, genetics, psychology. Most scientists will insist that they do not exist, or if they do so, they do not play the role of sexual appeal between men and women. However, new research as done by Swiss researchers at the University of Bern, led by Klaus Wedekind, gradually these scientists are rethinking their position. Their experiment included women sniffing different male cotton shirts during ovulation. Not only did the women like genetically different males' shirt fragrance, but also found that they share similarities with female genes. This was to ensure better healthy characteristics for future children as well as insects and other mammals. However, researchers also note that the odor preference of men is due to the ovulation period of women, the foods men eat, perfumes and other fragrant body products, and the use of contraceptives

Does your character represent sexual appeal?

Yes, but so do you recognize your potential fellow personality. According to a survey by Klohnen, EC, S. Luo of interpersonal attractiveness and personality in 2003, the sense of self-security and at least the perception of the partner strong determination of attraction in the hypothetical situation What does this tell us What? We prefer specific personality types that attract you to people. However, separately from the actual personality of the person can be confirmed through close interaction throughout this time, it fascinates you to him / her, you are probably generally mistaken for their failed About the relationship, we can occupy sentences heard from men and women: "I thought he / she was this kind of person."

So how is the attraction diagram of the relationship?

You've probably heard that charm is a prelude, or a factor to a relationship. Most probably, at least initially; but alone charm can not make a relationship work. It is a charm that makes you aware of people from opposite sex, but when you get to know more people, charm is just one consideration. Shared values, dreams, and passion are more important in long-term relationships.

So should I stop making it attractive?

Tackle all aspects of your health than trying to be physically attractive: physical, emotional, spiritual, spiritual. Physical appeal is still a precursor. This biology predisposes selects partners and deep genes. Where your emotions are concerned, just ask yourself this: probably not wanting to spend time with those who feel unsafe about his / herself! Knowing yourself is wisdom: who you are, your confidence, value, and dreams. And do not pretend to be a person without you. Fooling another person by thinking that you share the same values ​​and beliefs happens to cause you both disappointment When you are healthy in all aspects, Attraction is a result rather than an end. As mentioned in the study of Klohnen and Luo, the sense of self in security subject matter is probably beyond charm. Do not forget: I will be this myself. By doing so, we will make it a fascination with true harness.

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