Regardless of how you look at it,
Successful mail order business is advertisement. actually,
The success of mail orders is entirely dependent, and even based on
Good advertisement.
First of all, you have that dynamic, grand advertisement
Attract your eyes and grab the interests of the people you are doing
I am trying to sell it. So unless your ad actually "pops out"
Readers, your sales will not live up to your expectations, and your ads
Money is wasted.
The eye-catching appeal of your advertisement must begin with a headline.
Please use the headline to create images very quickly in the mind
Readers - the vision of all the problems being solved, and
They accomplish what they want happiness. If it is your headline
I can not wish you will not catch the attention of your prospects,
Capture him for the rest of the ad because it goes
Unread! So just by writing your ads for a while,
Quickly profit how your opinion
Come on, I will send the cause to him
Your "solution" to his problem. Your copy,
Excitement, and a positive attitude. Do not be afraid to use
Hard sales approach! I think that what it says
Offer and "Daily", commonly used, correct English.
It is something, you can enjoy what you think is never forgotten. Please do not exaggerate.
Or you can not back up. I will not make promises you can not do
We do not expect, or to maintain. A raft
People of federal trade and fair practices.
We highlight the benefits of your products and services. Explain to you
Readers how to own a copy of your book (eg), or
Living life as a reception service rich and happy,
More abundant. Do not involve all the money in detail
Develop products or use research
Selling information only, still selling,
Qualification to provide it. Emphasize the value of "Sizzle"
It is important to involve readers as often as possible
Use of the word "you". "Write a copy as if you were
Try to sell just one person. Do not let
The sound of your advertisement as a speaker of a commander speaking to a huge stadium
It is full of people, but as if there was only one individual
And do not try to become excessively clever brilliant or humerus within you
Advertisement copy
Products and services for sale of your prospects
Its advantages. In other words, it is simple, but please clarify.
I do not want to confuse the reader with cost. Tell him.
What exactly he will ear for his money. ;
How to order it. You do not have to get too friendly.
Actually, "Become popular", please do not use slang formula.
Think about yourself as a door-door by writing advertisements
Salesman You need to get attention of the prospects
Soon, you will create interest in him with the product you are selling
Hope to enjoy the benefits, you can close the sale.
Copywriting, advertisement display, advertisement, sale
A letter or brochure is a learned technique. That is something everyone can do
A bit and master of research, practice, and perhaps some
Professional guidance.
Your first move is then to study your competition, recognition
How are they selling their products. Practice rewrite ads
From another perspective, or from a different sales angle.
Save clipped ad files from another publication
A file of advertising ideas. But do not copy anyone's work;
In addition to the advertising materials in
Some of "unknown facts" about advertising - and advertising writing
Tell me what specific - you can not ask for with more than $ 3
Short classified type ad. Generally, we will take $ 5 item
Display advertisement of at least 1 inch. If you are selling $ 10
Item, you will need at least a quarterly page - probably half
Copy pages - and $ 15 to $ 20 items require all pages. In your case
You are selling really big ticket items (costing over $ 50) You are
Require 4 page sales letters, brochures, different order coupons,
Returns the reply envelope.
If you are making a offer via direct mail, in order to enter the highest
In order to confirm that, on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday,
I will not arrive on Monday, the busiest day at the beginning of the week.
No, but promoting the quality of the goods of the big ticket
Or it will not have a big effect on the color of your paper
The response you get, but the quality of your printing is completely
Please keep this in mind, if you place your print order.
One final point to remember: People have a summer moon
Holidays to be a process for months
Direct mail But they are good for opportunities and advertising
In many cases, in publications found in vacation areas, motels and
Stress that can not be done again often often
The order, indeed, depends on the advertisement and nothing the same
Otherwise, quality will eventually be paid. Read this report again;
Study it and let it sync with it. Next, apply the principles below
That. They can work for others and work for you!
How to write profitable ads
I wanted everyone. .. In fact, most people
They want to hit something that is enriching! And
At first glance, one of the easiest ways to realize these
Wealth's dream is within mail order or expert
Business yen, selling direct shipment. .
The only thing, almost no one has given so many real thoughts to
Basic ingredients of sales by email - write profitability
Classified advertisement. If your mail order business should succeed
You must gain expertise in writing categorized ads
Sell your products and services!
So what is a good or bad classified ad? First and foremost,
Appeal to the reader, and that, exactly what you have to say
That's what I want to say. Secondly, it has to say at least say
Possible number of words to keep your operating costs
In your budget. And third, it must generate hope
Query or sell the results or not.
Getting your attention is your first goal. hole
We assume that the reader "scans" the page on which the ad is displayed
With two, three hundred classified advertising companies. Therefore,
There must be something about your advertising to stop him
Scan and look at you! So, for the first two or three words
Your ad is the most important and deserves your attention
Discussion. Most investigations show that word or something like this. create
Big money! Easy & simple. security! Limited offers. Send $ 1.00
These are ingredients of any good classification
Advertisement --- Caution - Interest - Desire - Act. .. Without these four
The ingredients are skillfully integrated into your advertisement, the opportunity is you
Advertising does not do anything "just there", but it costs you.
It shows what you did, but it is basically to classify. However
Such advertisements can be placed in any top publication,
It is known as a "blind ad"
Inquiry and response from the whole spectrum of people's reading
The publication that it appeared. In other words, from as
Many "waste of time" like good faith buyers.
So let's try giving an example of your classified ad type
Say that you sell such a report, there are cases you may use. ..using
Basic advertising copywriting, and all rules of maxim
Exactly what our product is, our ad reads:
Money maker's secret! How to write a victory
Classified advertisement. Simple & easy to learn - should be
Double or three times your response. To rush $ 1
ABC Sales, 10 Main, Anytown, Texas 75001.
The point we are making is 1) You have to grab the readers
Be careful .. 2) You will "stimulate him" further
Something (catchphrase) he makes a "desire" product or
service. ..4) He demands to act quickly. .
Tricky or clever things are meaningless. I will stick to just
Your base and your interest will increase accordingly. one of
It is to study the best way to learn writing good classified ads
Advertisement - try to figure out exactly what they are trying to do
Sales - and exercises to rewrite them according to the rules
We are giving you. Every time you sit to write
Classify, always write it all out - and then back over it,
Cross words and refine your wording.
The final ingredient of your classified advertisement is of course yours
The address to which the name & leader is to respond - he's to do
I will send him his money and write about the details.
Generally speaking, readers frequently respond to that advertisement
Just include a name rather than indicating initials, or
Use of the number of words, or the amount of space used by ads
A name with classified ads can be quite high If we
I asked the respondents of our advertisements to write or send their money
Research writer & publisher association, or our advertisement
Cost is outrageous. Therefore, we shortened our name researcher
Or money maker. The point here is to think relatively
Your ad placement cost, and will shorten too long
It's name.
Even if it is exactly the same true if it is a mailbox number on the top.
Just shorten it to an ordinary box 40, or in the case of a rural village
Delivery will shorten it to RR1 just
The important thing is to know the rules of highly profitable classification
Writing advertisements, and obeying them. We will keep your expenses in the line.
Now you know the basics. The rest is up to you.
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