Winter often makes us gain weight. We add a few pounds each winter. It would be difficult to check most people 's profile. It is known that there is a high possibility of increasing your weight during the winter, but in the spring and summer the time to lose weight goes by.
What is the cause of this phenomenon?
There is no logical explanation to correctly demonstrate the theory of weight gain in winter, but there are several causes that can cause this.
Genetic predisposition - The plausible explanation that our genes are programmed to consume more nutrients more in fat and more alcohol during the cold period suggests that our ancestors are in these periods Scientists who need a fat of an important quantity of jus of their organism to survive by the scientists who fight their colds, we inherit these genes and consume a lot of fat during the winter We need to do that.
In case
Some hormone levels - Transmission of information from several neuron transmitters, other neurons, causing changes in appetite and consumption of nutrients due to the interaction of different chemicals and hormones in the human brain Matter having a role can influence the way we eat. When these neuron transmitter levels are low (a phenomenon that can be found very over-weighed people) you can create a permanent appetite and there are large influences on the stage of our soul so there are a few people in winter Feel, depressed, as a response the following day is short. Our body responds to depression and produces more amount of neuronal transmitter - Another way to fight depression is to eat carbohydrate rich nutrients.
Unfortunately, because the nutrients of carbohydrates (chips, cookies, pie, chocolate) also contain fat, solutions that lead to weight problems when used overly over an extended period of time, we fight against those carbohydrates and depression In order not to deal with extra pounds, be sure to eat nutrients that have fibers
Lack of exercise - We offer us that it is obvious that physical activity is not much fun in winter, compared to summer freedom of movement. But in winter, you should not abandon sports, so cold, rain and snow. It looks like the main reason for causing weight problems during the winter - we have a lot of calories in our body, but we have physical effort
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