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Elements of astrology

A group of astrological signs share certain characteristics classified by four elements: fire, air, water and soil. It corresponds to too much that can not be explained already.

The signs of fire are Aries (April 19 to Mon 21), Leo (July 23 to August 22), Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21). Fire people are dynamic leaders,. They illuminate everything around them. The sign of fire is most compatible with the signs of air, as the fire needs air to be present. Water is anathema to fire and water men can try to moisten enthusiasm and dynamism defining fire.

Symptoms of air are aquarius (February 18 to February 18), Gemini (June 21 to Mon 21) And Libra (September 23 - October 22) These are signs of ideas, the air blowing the spark into the flames. They can not be tied up. They need freedom of movement and thought.

Symptoms of cancer water (June 22To July 22), Scorpio (October 23to November 21) And Pisces (February 19to March 20) still deeply characterized by the phrase they are emotional and sensitive giving to deep thinking and conversation Yes. Just as water can contaminate the image or hide the secrets within the depth, there are secretive emotions and abilities in the water marks. Water signs are most compatible with the Earth's signs.

Signs of the earth are Taurus (April 20 - May 20), Virgo (August 23 to September 22), and Capricorn (December 22 to January 19). They are stable and consistent. Even if there is signs of compassion as a thing that does not grow up. They stiffen (stick in mud) and can easily be stuck in routines. Water is necessary to properly raise what the Earth grows, so it fits best with the signs of water. This is often necessary for survival on the planet.


Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky signs of the Zodiac. That warm heart relieves its burning and boggy character. This is a wise and persistent sign that you know exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons have certain nature, they always influence their colleagues, and in many cases you can find yourself a center of attention in social situations and this blessing is also truly blessed. Dragons are considered to be very fortunate in love. Dragon friends are always keen to ask if this firebrand is saying, it will distribute advice, the dragon has a floor.

Even the ego can be obtained in a way, but there are knacks for creativity and leadership in larger creations than this real thing. In the dragons by, people are going to be called the right born naturally. It is not just money, but fortunately, as they are, Dragons think that they want to drag something, what is a good ti power supply to achieve substantial material wealth during their lifetime. Dragons are a considerable opportunist looking for ways to integrate their considerable power forever. Contrary to all this strength and fire, the weakened dragon is a sad bag, a creature refusing to take a defeat with a modest blessing.

The role of leadership is the only thing for the better, the dragon, from there to give orders, to become the king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too instinctively know what they need to stay on. Crossing a dragon is by no means a good idea. The precious life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. To be high and mighty can help to urge others, but also keeps the dragon from life enough to live. In case you want to reduce the influence of success for the pursuit of balance in the Dragons, expect that it will not be more content than life.

The most compatible games for Dragons are monkeys and rats.

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