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Elimination of poultry

If you do not eat vegetarian diet for years and you want to shift, it is best to gradually do it gradually. A good way to start is to remove lean and replace fish or poultry for the lean that you eat all the time. It does not eat more vegetarians, but at least eliminates the largest criminal of lean meat, food that increases disease.

After you successfully eliminate the red meat, you start reducing the amount of poultry you eat. It's not as bad as you are for lean meat, but it's not as high as fat, so it's still awful, cramped and inhumane poultry contains growth hormone and antibiotics It is not like chicken or turkey that might have been hunting food centuries ago. Chickens are kept in a horrible state, are raised excessively and then slaughtered. In the grand scheme of things, it is just as harmful to our physical and mental health as eating red meat. Let's face it - it's like eating wood pulp, it is so tasteless, so it is also a good idea to eliminate poultry from our diet All antibiotics and abnormal living conditions, poultry first I treated the natural taste I had.

If you are not very ready to exchange poultry with grains, vegetables or beans, add more fish and seafood. There is a risk of eating fish and seafood, but because of the high level of mercury contained in them, it is a better alternative to poultry and red meat. This may be as long as you move towards vegetarianism or at least remove meat from your meal. Please give me time to get used to this. You will not miss a minute poultry. We normally eat chickens and chicken breasts because they are lower in fat and calories, but also with nutritional value of all kinds also lower. When we do not get the necessary protein and vitamins we are still healthy we are still hunting our bodies, regardless of how we think that eliminating a poultry is healthy It is one of the most positive steps you can take towards a meal and a healthy planet.

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