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Enjoy your life: Change your perspective.

"Two men look out through the same bar: one looks at the mud and one is looking at the stars - Frederick * Runbridge, a quiet thinking cluster

If you put it second in the writing contest, do you jump for joy and find excuses pushing for the next time for better results or discouraging and not joining again?

In life, you are always filled with choices. You have a view of a pessimist and you can choose to live a life of self defeat, take the route of an optimist, challenge a fulfilling life

So why nurture the point of view optimist? And why now?

Well, Optimism led to a positive mood and good enthusiasm; to academic, exercise, military, profession and political success; to popularity; long life from trauma to long life

On the other hand, the rate of depression and pessimism has never increased. It affects middle-aged adults the same way it hits young people. The average age of onset is 30 years old to 15 years old. It is no longer a middle-aged homemaker's disorder, not a teenager's obstacle.

Here is the way that there is an optimist in action and research to back up reasons why it is really optimistic to pay:

Optimists expect the best

Characteristic features of the pessimist are their own flaws that they sustain a long time and are liable to believe in bad events that will compromise everything.

The truth is that optimists are facing the same hard knock in this world. The difference is how they describe their misfortune - that is the opposite way. They tend to believe that defeat is a temporary retreat, the cause of which is limited to this one case.

There is a tendency to focus on optimism and plan for 'problem'. They use "positive reinterpretation." In other words, they re-interpret negative experiences, in most ways, in a way they help to learn and grow. Such people are not disturbed by bad circumstances, they feel it is a challenge and are striving harder.

They never say "things will not get better" "If I fail once, it will happen again" and "I am unhappy as part of my life"

Positive expectations of optimists also predict better responses between new environment transitions, sudden tragedies, and unlikely events. As they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities instead of obstacles.

People respond positively to optimists

Optimists are aggressive and are not dependent on others for happiness. They do not need to control or manipulate people. They usually draw people towards them. The optimistic view of the world is contagious, and it can affect certain ones.

Becoming comfortable is all communities in socially desirable characteristics. People who share Optimism are generally accepted while people who spread darkness, panic and hysteria are preferably treated.

In life these people often win the election.

As it is hard to go, optimism becomes more strict

Optimists usually maintain a higher level of subjective well-being at times of stress than people who are not more optimistic. Meanwhile, by negating the stress event where pessimism reacts, we deal with the problem of its existence or evasion. Pessimists are likely to cease trying when difficulty arises.

They will persevere. They simply do not give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Inching that way to approach that goal and elusive dreams one step closer.

Optimists are healthier and live longer

Medical research justified that it can cause a measurable increase in the functioning of the body fighting disease with simple pleasures and positive perspectives.

The health of optimists is abnormally good. They are much more free from most middle-aged normal physical diseases, well age. I think that the outlive person is negative.

So then, why are not you today's optimist? And I will positively think for a more fulfilling life.

Why to not look forward to the success of all your efforts? Why is not elasticity? It is also bound to be touched like a hit ceremonial time. Carry yourself out of the mud and enhance your chances of getting on the right track. And why not remove their dark colored glasses and inspire others to see the life on the bright side?

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