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Exclusive friendship.

Exclusive friendship.

A good gentle person from my acquaintance said, "In contrast to the competition, when 51% of voters believe in cooperation, the ideal Federation will be no theory and it will become a fact.

It is very beautiful that men should work together for all the benefits, and I believe that when these things are done the sun will come, but the world

The question of voting is simply an expression of emotion, and even after the voting has been counted, there is still work to be done. The man votes to the right and may act like a fool for the rest of the year.

Socialism full of bitterness, fighting, factions and jealousy creates opposition to keep him and all others like him in check. And this opposition is going well, even in a very incomplete society, being forced to protect itself from dissolution and worsening conditions. To take over monopolies and to operate them for the benefit of society is not enough, undesirable, as long as the idea of ​​competition is prevalent.

As long as self is the best in the mind's heart, they will fear and hate other men, there will be exactly the same scramble under socialism

We can not rebuild society until individual members are rebuilt. A person was born. When 51% of the voters control their own spirit and put 51% of their current envy, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, fear and their heartfelt stupid pride, socialism

The subject is too big to throw away in paragraph So I think that two people with just mention of one thing, a person and a person, and danger to the society of exclusive friendship between women and women complement each other You can not. Usually, they transform mental and spiritual real estate. We should have many acquaintances. When two men said "When they begin to communicate to each other, they are hiking for the aging, there must be a clearly defined bit of reserve.We are for example solid steel of the material It is said that molecules will never touch, they never give up their personality, we are all molecules of divinity, our character should not be abandoned, No need for anyone.When you keep him at a short distance, your friend thinks much of you.Friendship, like credit, is the best where it is not used.

I understand how a strong man can have great and unchanging love for a thousand other men and call them all by name

Since it came to approach a person, it is to put down a person in a state that can meet your wishes such as a clutch. In intimate and exclusive friendship men, take weaknesses of others.

In shops and factories, it always happens that men have their own Cham. These men keep condole with each other as they relate to each other's troubles as they keep their sympathy with each other.

They stand in each other in combination. Their friendship is exclusive and others see that it is. Jealousy awakens doubt and crawls around the corner, and these men mutually dislike specific things and people. The washing, the sympathy weak amenity is recognized, the man of that trouble does. Things get out of focus and values ​​are lost. The idea is one of enemy evolution.

We have factions as soon as others are involved. Creek is friendship, going to seed.

Factions develop into factions, factions fall into feuds, and soon we have mobs. In the crowd, everything is a single heart, there is no individual whose independent thought is gone.

Feud is based on anything It is a mistake Idea of ​​a fools inspired by a fool by a fool's friend! And may be mob.

Everyone who has something in common life is aware that Creek is a collapsed bacillus and Creek notes that all unkind also said to each other "exclusive friendship Respect everyone and try to find all good ones.To associate only socially is a blunder going among wit, brilliant, plain, stupid, I learned how to avoid it as a friend who did not struggle day by day, and also as a friend who did not do hard work everyday, exercising your own wit and wisdom.

Yes, I worship him, but let's intervene space is natural. It is a molecule of God.

You undo yourself tension and can make friends that are strengthening. Therefore, you will benefit him and benefit him.

The best friendship is among those who can do without each other.

Of course, there was a case of exclusive friendship pointed out to us as a magnificent example of affection, but they usually have places in history to rule out their fellow men Some men, which are large enough for, probably played a part of David on another Jonathan and still have all good intentions

And this beautiful dream of socialism, each of which works for all profits will never come until 51% of adults abandon all exclusive friendships until festival arrives, factions, big factions, You will have sects that are factions and occasional factions growing mob.

Do not depend on anyone, please do not depend on anyone. Ideal society consists of ideal individuals. Becoming a man makes friends with everyone.

When the master admonished his disciples to love their enemies, he had the fact that exclusive love in mind is a mistake. Love will die if monopolized. Then it becomes more cheerful. Your enemies, why should you rise above the fog and see his error, you should not respect him for the good qualities you find in you

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