Please expect the highest from your child. If you expect the best behavior and performance you are your child, that is what you get. Children choose according to our beliefs about them, shape them to conform to that confidence, and do the self-concepts accordingly. If we are hoping they are lazy, the cycle to failure will be initiated, they will be lazy, confirming our expectations for them, while we Our children help you go up on occasion if you expect to believe that our children are clever, productive, creative, responsible and honestly true, because nothing is the best from your children Expect and see them meet your expectations.
It is a new challenge to do difficulties when doing well for praise children. As a result of breaking malfunctions and rules, set up simple, clear and consistent rules, so your kid knows exactly what you are expecting. Keep a consistent daily routine for your child as much as possible and allow your child to learn how to make sure that your child will play with friends and get a lot of physical activity and time to be social Encourage your children and encourage your children to do things for themselves. Children who can not talk Their talks are their anger and dissatisfaction through work by doing a strong feeling.
In particular, be the positive example for your child as the strongest educator is your example. Take care of yourself and expect from yourself the best. When you train your child make the appropriate choice, but the company but be fair. Make sure to spend a lot of fulfilling time with your children and seem to be involved in activities that promote cooperation and sense of business to them but greatly increase your expectation of your child.
Encouraging play encourages children's development
We all heard the words, "Oh he said, it is a children's play." It means that something is simple, flirty and not important in the overall scheme of things. But to children, children's plays are necessary for spiritual, social, emotional and physical development.
To play with children like everyone you know. But what we might not know is the importance of playing in the children's life. Play is essential to every area of child's growth and development.
The play provides an average to the energy to be placed for use. It enhances, refines, builds stamina and strength, small, large motor capacity. Sensory learning mainly develops through play. The theater is important for physical development that the body grew up normally without it and could not grow.
Children have natural curiosity. They explore, learn, and make sense from the environment by playing. Parents and educators can support this learning activity by allowing children to use toys, materials, and environments according to age.
We will learn the information necessary to discover the world of children 's knowledge of playing. Through play, children learn basic concepts such as color, count, how to build things, and how to solve problems. Thought and reasoning skills work every time a child engages in some type of play.
Children are related to each other, negotiate roles, share, and learn to follow the rules by play. They will also learn how to belong to the group and how to become part of the team. Children will acquire and retain friends through play.
Theater accomplishes a number of needs, including a sense of accomplishment, successful attention, receipt, and need for self-esteem. It helps them develop their strong sense and is emotionally satisfied with them. They pretend to learn about equity and to learn appropriate ways to express emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, stress, and to find ways to deal with these emotions
So encourage your child's play. Make color pictures, finger pictures, build buildings and fictional cities with blocks, build tents in the middle of the living room, go camping! However, for children who are having fun at any time in early childhood, for the moment!
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