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In addition to this we will fascinate her character TV animation on the page that will appear as a performance on the performance anxiety.
Performance Anxiety, Fear and Anxiety
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It is always difficult to fit in other people's shoes. First of all, you may address the problem or reveal the same secret, but the truth of the problem repeats the same accomplishment that no one else has accomplished Secondly, It is created uniquely. However, everyone can understand this natural way to deal with the persons and individuals that they have, especially to fill the site.
At Chamed 's third TV installment season ender, Prue and Piper confronted the deadly assassinate Shax of the source. Because of this, Prueu, the eldest son, and the most powerful witch died. Through this, the three powers were satisfied. Apart from terrible fear and anxiety, the other two, Piper and Phoebe when they lost their sister, they also became very anxious about the fate of Charmed 's fate. Without Prue, they were unable to use force for maximum potential. However, Phoebe, who was known to be stubborn and very promising, still believed in the greatness of destiny.
In the opening of the 4th season, a funeral to Prue was held in honor of her. At this gruesome moment, an unfamiliar office girl paid, but she went to Phoebe who had a feeling about a fairly complex woman. This woman happened to be Paige * Matthews, their companion sister they would help rebuild the power of 3. Penelope, their motherhad her white writer, Sam and a child. With fear and anxiety, they were forced to give up Paige as witches are not allowed to have a relationship with whitelighters.
Ultimately they were able to reconstruct the three powers after a series of convincing pages appeared in their cause of Wickin. As predicted, Paige has the power of telekinesis, but because she is some white writer, her magic is a telekinesis orbie But the ability to move things, they are the first orbs and I will take the shape of a small light.
However, as one of the most attractive things, Paige's inclusion did not easily go. First, she had a very traumatic past, accident of her parents tough car, hindering her to fulfill her duties as a good witch. But, after all, she was able to overcome all the fears and fears she felt.
Also, as an exchange of Prue she knew that she had to fulfill a great responsibility. In addition, Piper, who was the nearest sister of Prue, initially disdain her because she believed that no one would replace Prue. This condition is called performance anxiety according to medical research. Through these, her first attempt at achieving her Wiccan duty was disastrous. No matter how hard she put it on the dish, everyone will consider her as a "second big" or "struggling imitation." Instead of being an asset to the group, she Occasionally, these frustrating scenarios, in addition, her irony is anxious about her performance
At this point she gave up being almost a witch. Despite her faults, Phoebe, who once was the youngest, will support her and encourage her to push through. This act of encouragement gave her enough courage to overcome her performance anxiety and eventually became a "part" of an attractive one.
She learned that she never doubles or retrospects the part of the fruit that is destiny of charming greatness.
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