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For the first few days

The first few days of your new home will feel like you are still packing. Since you have quite a few items, try to unpack in the packed order, or as much as possible to it

It is completely acceptable not to unpack everything in the first few days - if you move to a new area, public transport within that area, local facilities, and you need to go out and buy at least a basic There is - save a "big shop" until you thaw your kitchen. Or you can open the packaging, if not long off works, home office.

Unpacking is done for six to twelve weeks depending on your family and you have permanent garage, basement or attic because you do not have room for them

Most of your utilities need to be connected to move on - but in your case on your internet or phone, cable or satellite in these cases, make the most of the changes and unpack as much as possible is needed. If you can, your life will return to work / life / sleep pattern, so please consider the rest from then on. If your utility is reconnected all the time, you may have less time to decompress, its good, but not to be as disturbing as possible
If you are back to work, after moving out, make sure you know your new route to work, and some extra for the trip ... just in case

Small office movements

Moving when you work from home is a bit more complicated - the home office is hard to move in duplicate - you are in the place of your work
So what can you do to move easily?

Moving your home office is about packing all non-necessities like other moves - you still have USB, or some other part of the computer, even if you are using a lot of your printer, Do not pack it "You can use it immediately.
You can also choose this opportunity to renew something definitely needed or something. Did you get a cartridge of ink to recycle? If you regain them or use them to replenish as soon as possible, it will save you money (your cartridges are)

It is necessary to carefully consider the kimono while it is obligatory, but home - can you secure it Do you work with pc? Or, your Internet connection will not exist completely for the next month while you close down one house and settle down to new ones.

You also need to consider shipping issues - if you collect items on a regular basis, you need to make arrangements for them.

Moving your home office can be frustrating and tiring, but in the long run it's worth it - you've started working from home

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