It will be the key to learning autistic children to understand, and teach other children to the same extent as them. This may seem like a simple idea, but autistic children need to understand autism itself when teaching children with autism By becoming an education of disability, Teachers effectively create a world of more understanding for all and deal with autistic children and adults inside and outside the classroom
Children with autism are often visual thinkers. In this way teaching will be fully effective. Teachers should combine pictures and words in order for autistic children to fully understand the lesson. For example, if you teach about animals in the world, you need to have a flash card with the word "mouse". It looks like a funny mouse. Nouns may be easier to teach autistic children as verbs require action, sometimes more difficult to explain. If you are teaching the language of autistic children such as "sit" or "stand", you need to complete these actions when teaching that word. Also, due to its visual tendency, autistic children often can not follow long sentences. They decipher the sequence and can not become confused. Therefore writing instructions is very helpful when preparing tests and quizzes.
As a visual thinker, autistic children often can stick to specific objects or images. In such cases, plan lessons to objects or images to incorporate. If a child likes an airplane, an attempt to use the plane for images anywhere you can do in the lesson. For example, when teaching mathematics, you create a word problem about an airplane to make your child interested. Children with autism also tend to be artistic or musical, and they produce extremely original drawings and show more than average abilities in musical instruments and voices. Please keep time on the day for art and encourage activities that children enjoy.
Children with autism may also have troubles writing for their hands and movement control. This is frustrating for both children and teachers. In order to reduce frustration, let the child use the computer. If you can do this, make sure the keyboard and monitor are closed together.
By being open to teach autistic children at the highest of your abilities, you are giving you the best opportunity in his or her life and just letting children with autism for others Rather than ruining the learning experience, making the unbiased classroom as much as possible by incorporating his or her strange things into your lesson is the best gift you can give to this child.
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