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Foundation of tennis.

Foundation of tennis.

I trust that this my first effort in the letter world finds a place between both beginners and experts in the world of tennis. I am interested in game students by a somewhat long discussion of match play that I trust to hit a new light on the game.

Can I speak to a skilled player on a specific topic that is a second nature when turning to a beginner at my opening?

The best tennis equipment is not too good for beginners who are really seeking to succeed. As far as good quality material is not long lasting, it will eventually be saved.

I always wear tennis clothes when playing tennis. The problem of picking a racket is a far more serious problem. I have not advocated mandating a particular racquet to any player. All standards are excellent. This is the weight, balance, and size of the handle on which the actual value of the racket frame depends, good yarn is essential to get the best results.

After you acquire your racket, normal bounce, the "dead" ball is not at all exercise, but as you are a great aid for promotion, make a firm determination to use a good tennis ball please.

If you really wish to succeed in the game and want to advance rapidly, I strongly encourage you to see all the good tennis you can do. I will study the play of the top players and strive to copy their strokes. I will read all the tennis instruction books you can find. They are great support.

More tennis can be learned from the court, in the study of the theory, and watching the best players in the action, so far than you can learn in real play. I will opportunity mistake to play It does not mean it. Then it is far. Although it plays as much as possible, please make efforts when actually playing to put the theory you read and the strokes you saw.

Please never be discouraged when progress is slow. The tricks on some strokes you have worked over the failed weeks will come to you suddenly at least when you are expected Tennis players are the product of hard work. There are few geniuses born in the game.

Tennis is a game that will pay you all the dividends in your life. Tennis racket is an introduction letter in any town. The brotherhood of the game is universal, but in any case a good sportsman can succeed in the game for any long period. Tennis offers pure fun to men who are relaxed, excited, exercised, and late afternoon tied hard and fast to his business. Age is not a drawback. The world tennis player wrote a magnificent page in the history of world war. The sports branch sent more men to the color from all the countries of the world than tennis, these men paid the best sacrifice in the glory and the field of honor back or honor.

The next order of development will produce the fastest and most sustainable results: 1. Concentration of games.

2. Keep an eye on the ball.

3. Feet work and weight control.

4. Stroke.

5. The position of the court.

6. General coat or match play.

7. Psychology of tennis.

-------------- Tennis is done mainly with the heart. If the director's mind is roaming, the world's most perfect racquet technique is not enough. There are many causes of wandering in the tennis game. Chief Wang is a lack of interest in the game. Everyone should not play tennis with a real success idea, unless he care enough to do whatever it takes to do the necessary labor necessary to learn the game correctly. Give up on it as soon as you do not do it. Conditions of play and noise of the gallery are often confused and unruly experienced match players playing under the new environment. Complete concentration on the problem you get is the only treatment for wandering minds and lesson learns more quickly improvement of the player earlier.

The most reliable way to hold a game in the mind is to play for every set, all the games in the set, all the points in the game, and finally, all the shots at the point. The set is just a collection of shots that were made and missed, and the man who does not miss is the ultimate winner.

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