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Free printing and shipment

The largest cost in the field of mail orders, with the mailing list
Printing here is very good, so please contact the reception plan 600
Please release the 3 x 6 circulation board printed and mailed!

1. We are trying to locate or mail offset printers to the main, looking for,
    Rates $ 100 or 9 x 12 per thousand for printing $ 12 or $ 13

2. Place the following ad on multiple top notches
    Tsutsu "Tsutsu:

    1000 3 x 6 circle printed for only $ 3. Send camera ready
    Roger that
    Our non-competing advertisement on the back. (Your name and address).

3. You can get six 3 x 6 circulations on 9 x 12 sheets of paper.

4. Six ordering advertising net from you you $ 18 cash.

5. Paste your customer's camera ready 3 x 6 circulation
    9x12 sheet of paper.

6. You paste Six of your own camera - Ready on top 3 x 6 circulation
    Another 9x12 sheet of paper. These will be printed with
    The backside of your customer's circulation board.

7. Both copies are sent to the printer for printing.

8. After printing, the printer cuts out each individual 3 × 6
    Round away.

9. You have six 6x 3x6 circulation 1000 each.

10. Package 3 x 6 circulation and ship them properly

11 Your customer paid to have 1000 3X6 Circulation Board to be printed.
    He is doing the mailing. Your ad will be printed with
    Go down

There it is: 6000 3 x 6 circulation board printed and mailed will be released!

Darth and one way to reduce shipping costs

1. Never send letters weighing less than 30 gms. Five sizes
The 8-1 / 2x11 circulation board can be mailed with one class of stamp.
 There are various offerings and a by using all ten aspects
A greater chance of accepting orders.

2. When advertising, show and add the price of your product
Postage, for example "Tens of ways to reduce postage" $ 1 plus
Stamp or SASE (Self dealt with pressed envelope). When inviting
The inquiry always says "Send SASE for information".

3. Advertise making paid shipment. Set competitiveness
Recovery of costs and involvement in some but not all
Mail your own offering.

4. Create a good ad then from it to sell it.
Or it will be offered to others based on "committee" or "all interests"
And please fill in the order of SASE. Suggestions
When you fill in an order for free ride.

5. Configure an interesting advertisement sheet. Use up some of the space for
Your own ads then sell enough ads to others to cover the cost
Postage, printing, advertisement, etc.

6. "Free large mail for postage - advertise more postage
More mails "Tsutsu niece" Tsutsu Tsubu
Publication Plus a variety of Circular).

7. Please exchange by mail. You will mail 100 of another dealer's circulation
An email is 100.

8. Buy an accurate postal scale. Review deleted
You can use postage with the full value of need or better than you
The postage being used.

9. Reduce postage by at least 40% by using bulk mail. Contact us
post office. This requires Mailer (USA) to classify them
Mail at least 200 like a piece with state and zip code by mail
Just once

10. Saving All used stamps off selling e-mails
To agents that advertise on publications of mail orders. One
Such companies are: Mel enterprises, high rivers in box 3777, AB,
Canada T0L1B0.

Stamp not canceled due to 11 error
You can reuse the mail canceller again.

12 Accept stamps from other countries. If you can not use those trade
You could use stamps for that country from a dealer
Something to pay for them with equal worth stamps from them.

13 looking mailorder publication dealer has new stamp
It sells at a discount price.

N.B. It is in the wrong economy not to send SASE when making it
Inquiries of other dealers. It is highly likely that you will receive
The answer is much more quickly, it improves business relations.

The above material is not protected by copyright. But copy this
Given away or sold. Your choice.

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