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Fruit cocktail.

Cocktails made from a combination of fruits often serve as the first course of meal, usually a luncheon or dinner, before the soup course. In warmer weather they are excellent representatives of heavy cocktails made of lobster or crab and may be used to replace the soup course Fruit used for this purpose is not more acidic As acid and taste are intended to function as appetizers, be sure to cool the hot and fruit cocktails with ice.

Grapefruit cocktail.

The cocktail described here can be provided in the stem glass or grapefruit shell. If you use fruit shell, grapefruit should be cut in half the part between the flowers and stems and this plan, which will terminate and remove the fruit and the shell's edges will provide knockout, It should be adopted only when small grapefruit is used.

2 Grapefruit 2 Orange 1c. diced pineapple, powdered sugar with fresh or can

Delete pulp from grapefruit and orange. However, if the grapefruit shell is used to provide a cocktail, the grapefruit is cut in half, the pulp is removed from the skin with a sharp knife and the sections of the pulp are removed and each cut into several pieces. Add the diced pineapple to other fruits, mix well, and place on ice until thoroughly cooled. Put in a cocktail glass or grapefruit shell, pour orange juice spoon or two on each serving, sprinkle cherry and powder sugar, garnish,

Summer cocktail.

They are often used together in cocktails, so that strawberries and pineapple can be fresh at the same time during the summer. If you sweet it slightly with powdered sugar and cool with ice, these fruits will be a delicious combination.

2c. diced is two c of fresh pineapple. Powdered sugar of Lycigo

Prepare fresh pineapple and cut each slice into small pieces or dice. Wash and slice them into outer skin strawberries and small slices. Mix the two fruits and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. You can put it in a cocktail glass and stand on ice in a short time.

Fruit cocktail

Proper fruit cocktails are made by combining numbers of different kinds of fruits such as bananas, pineapple, orange, and maraschino cherries. Such a cocktail is offered in the glass of the stem placed on a small dish. Those delicious more than this can be prepared for the first course of dinner or for lunch. The advantage is that you can make it in almost all seasons of the year with these particular fruits.

2 Banana 1 c. Canned pineapple 2 Orange 1 d oz. Maraschino cherry lemon juice powder sugar

Peel the banana and dice them. Dice pineapple. Remove the pulp from the orange of the method and cut each section into several parts. Mix these three fruits. Cut the cherries in half and add to the mixture. Place on ice until thoroughly cooled. To serve, put in a cocktail glass and add 1 tablespoon of maraschino juice and lemon juice from 1 tbsp cherry to each glass. Serve with sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Five fish soup.

Fish stock.

Raw material: - 2 lbs. For beef and beef (these can be omitted), any kind of white fish trimming, fish to be dressed for the table, 2 onions, 1/2 lemon,

Mode: - Cut the fish and put it in the water with the other ingredients. Boil for 2 hours; carefully degrease alcohol and stock it. When more abundant stock is desired, fried vegetables and fish before adding water.

Time 2 hours

Note. As it gets sour quickly, please do not stock fish long before it is desired.

Crayfish soup

Ingredients: -50 crayfish, 1/4 lb. Butter, 6 anchovies, 1 French roll crumb, a little lobster spawn, flavor seasoning, medium stock and fish stock quotes.

Mode: - Feed the crayfish shell and the fish between the two plates until they want it; pound shell with mortar, butter and anchovy; well beaten it, sift it hair, sift the hair Please put the rest of the stock in it with crumb. Put it in a fish, please rub it through Tammy and let the soup boil. Add seasoning as needed.

It's time 1-1 / 2 hours.

Eel soup

Ingredients: -3 lbs. Eel, 1 onion, 2 ounces. Butter, 3 blades of mace, 1 bunch of sweet herbs, 1/4 oz. Pepper corn, salt to taste, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1/4 pint of cream, 2 quarts of water.

Mode: - wash the eel, cut them into a thin slice, put them in butter and stewpan, they pour water on them and then simmer for a few minutes, until a thin slice, herbs, mace, eel softens Simmer, but please do not break the fish. Carefully take them out, smoothly mix the flour with batter with batter, boil it, pour on eels, and serve.

Time one hour, or even more.

Note. This soup has a different taste by omitting cream and adding a little ketchup.

Lobster soup

component. 3 large lobsters, or 6 small ones; French roll crumb, 2 anchovies, 1 onion, 1 small bunch of sweet herbs, 1 lemon peel strip, 2 ounces. Butter, a little nutmeg, 1 tsp of flour, cream 1 pint, 1 pint of milk; salt meat, mace, salt and pepper to taste, bread crumbs, 1 egg, 2 water quarts.

Mode: - Take away brown fins and bags in your head, pick meat from lobster, and hit fins, chains and small claws in the mortar. Put in rolls, anchovies, onions, herbs, lemon peels, and crumbs of water, in the stuff, and gently cook it off until all the goodness is extracted, stock it off. Butter, nutmeg, wheat flour, pound eggs in a mortar, and mix cream and milk. Add a cut tail to one piece and give one boil at the same time. Make a force meatball with the rest of the lobster, season with mace, pepper, and salt, add a little flour, and some bread crumbs; moisten them with eggs, soup

Time two hours, or rather much.

Oyster soup -1.

Ingredients: - 6 dozen oysters, 2 quarts of white stock, 1/2 pine of cream, 2 oz. 1/2 ounces of butter. Salt, taste, cayenne, and mace.

Mode: - Burn oysters with their own drinks; take them out, shoot them, put them in tureen. Put in a beard and alcohol that must be carefully nervous, take pint of stock and cook for 1/2 hour. Take it off the fire, shake it again, and add the rest of the stock with drying and mace. Boil it, add thickening of butter and flour, boil for 5 minutes, stir boiling cream, pour it on oyster, and serve.

Time 1 hour

Note. If adopted in this soup, use rich cream instead of milk, concentrate and butter instead of butter and flour.

Oyster soup -2

Ingredients: - Two quarts of good mutton fluid culture medium, six dozen crabs, two oz. Butter 1 ounce of flour.

Mode: - beard oysters, and burn them with their own drinks; then, add it to the culture, well strained. Put it in oysters and stir well, please boil it, do not offer very hot.

It's time 3/4 hours

Shrimp soup

Ingredients: - fish stocks and 2 quarts of water, 2 pints of shrimp, bread crumbs of French rolls, anchovy soy sauce and mushroom ketchup in taste, 1 blade of mace, 1 pint of vinegar, low

Mode: - Pick out the shrimp's tail, put the body in a stewpan with the same amount of water, 1 blade of mace, 1/2 pint of vinegar, simmer them for 1/4 hours, turn off the liquor Add fish stocks and water stewpan; add tense liquor, roll crumbs and roll shrimp with a little of soup, scrape them through tammy, and with soup and it is well cooked When placed in a few selected shrimp, make them fully hot and serve. If it is not thick enough, please put a little butter and flour.

Time 1 hour

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