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General meaning of cat's behavior

Many people think cats are working on their agenda. Cats can sometimes act in strange manners, easily confusing their owners and it makes it really hard to judge what the cat wants. There are several ways to solve the mystery of common cat behavior so that the behavior of the cat is confused.

The general behavior that almost all cats do is to push their heads into any type of object they can do it. Before this, the legs of the table are television, or other objects. Here is a house among my friend, animal, allergy patient to a friend. When a cat notices this, he rubs his head to that person. In doing so, he will put saliva contacts on the individual. In the heart of a cat, he owns what he places his saliva.

By placing his saliva on something, there is a smell well known by that purpose or person. This can be very annoying, but you need to understand that other people in your home will be seen strange or strange to your cat. When a cat does this, he is simply trying to make a visitor belong. When he up brushes against them and places his saliva on them, he is trying to put his scent on them - in his mind they are

Saliva is one of the most common forms of pet allergy, despite being beneficial to marking cats with saliva of someone or something. As someone wipes those saliva, the smells go, the cats go and try to do it again. Cats may seem to be targeting people with allergies, but cats are actually trying to put visitors home. If the guest could not simply take saliva, let the cat rub itself himself on their pants' legs several times. Usually, this will take all for the cat to leave the person alone.

Your guy who expects indoor cats to spend considerable time lying close to the window. In the meantime, you may hear your cats doing very strange noises and strange movements. Because he is simply playing his hunting instinct, you should not be afraid. Whether it is another cat or moving out, the cat will see it and will simply enter his own hunting instinct.

I already know that many cats know cats. They especially like toys, I love to play with. They should always be expected, they will attack things at opportunities. If you try to prevent this type of behavior your cat takes a very negative approach and ends with many broken things in your home. It is Christmas illumination of the Chase string as occasionally as the use of cats playing with what you can do.

You no longer own your cat, more strange behavior, you will see him exhibit. Cats act in a strange way, but they always have reasons to act their way. If you understand why your cat acts like him, you will not have any problems with keeping him healthy and happy. If you only pay attention to your cat and the way he behaves from time to time, you can better understand him better than ever.


General health problems of cats

If you are the first to own a cat, you may be surprised that the health problems are common. No matter how many varieties of cats you own, health problems are never anticipated. Some may be inheritable although others can easily be prevented.

No matter what kind of cat it is, the worm is a very common and recurring problem. Tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms are the most common ones that infect cats. If there is a problem with cats that have weight gain, flea problems, or if white spots are found on the stool, the veterinarian needs to test the worm. There are unprocessed types if you can do various approaches and are not fatal to those that can prove medicine, nematodes.

Hairballs are a common health problem for cats. Every cat routinely groomes himself, usually swallowing loose hair coming from their coat.On the occasion, this loose hair gathers on the ball and is stored in the gastrointestinal tract instead of crossing the stool of your cat I will be able to. When your cat begins to cough and hack, he is usually coughing a hair ball. In the end it may be rather unpleasant, but most cats can remove hairballs without problems.

In rare cases, the pill may pass through the intestines of cats causing occlusion. Occlusion is a very serious problem and there is the possibility of life threatening if not receiving treatment. If your cat has constipation, does not eat properly, or has a very dull coat, he can have an obstruction. You should take him to the veterinarian as soon as you notice these signs. You can prevent hairballs, toothpaste catching due to clogging cats relax by removal at 2-3 weeks. I have done the food, but here we have control hairballs.

Urinary-tract infection
Urinary tract infection is also a common health problem with cats. Urinary tract infections are common to male cats that women can suffer from this problem but are not neutralized. This problem is usually a cause when a cat suddenly stops going to the toilet for his cat. Another symptom is when a cat's urine starts a really strong smell. If you believe that your cat has urinary tract infections, you should take him to the vet. Your veterinarian can handle the problem with medicine and in the future you can create recommendations to avoid this problem.

Feline leukemia
Previously, feline leukemia was the biggest cause of death in cats. But these days there are vaccines that can handle the disease. To treat the disease, your cat needs to be given a shot before he or she is exposed. Even though death does not occur soon, cats exposed to feline leukemia usually do not have a long life expectancy. In case it is waiting for cat leukemia, anaphylaxoid, like other cats, it is a viral infection as.

To protect your cat, always make sure that you take him to a veterinarian for his regular checkup. If you keep his vaccination up-to-date, he should live a healthy and productive life. Some health problems will be made. You can also keep your cat indoors and will protect him from the majority of health problems. If your cat is an outdoor cat, a regular visit to a veterinarian keeps him healthy. As long as you take your cat to the vet and keep him healthy, he will be your companion for many years.


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