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General misuse of pacifiers

Experts have expressed valid concerns about the use (and abuse) of pacifiers. Pacifier not only causes confusion of infant's nipple but also relates to premature weaning. Newborns are driven to suck on things placed in their mouths, including fingers and artificial nipples. In sickness, small, jaundiced or carefree baby, this drive to suck on behalf of feedings as the sucking impulse is satisfied. A baby may be satisfied with simple action to suck or a fatigued mom or dad sleeps for a longer period of time or between the feedings further pacifiers and artificial nipples are specially designed so that the baby's Behind the mouth, the spot between the hard palate and the soft palate stimulating the suction reflex automatically This may create a "lazy baby" struggling to pull the mother's nipple into the mouth. The shape of the pacifier gives rise to a change in the arch of the roof with soft bones of the mouth, narrowing around the shape of the pacifier high.
When using pacifiers it is very important to avoid two common, yet very harmful practices. First of all, be immediately available within the baby's range If you have a strike of impulse please do not tie the mediator to the string. This can bring up the dangers of strangulation in a particularly dangerous way if you learn to roll, crawl and roll. Secondly, do not immerse the pacifier's tip equally sweetly in honey or something. Generally speaking, infants and toddlers have not undergone periodic dental checkups like children or adults of older age, so that as a result of such exercises the cavities
And finally, please be careful of excessive use or misuse of pacifiers. If your baby is not speaking or disturbing, the mediator is obviously not necessary. As a parent will offer pacifier. Are you really a pacify baby? Or is it more pacify?

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